(23-06-2013, 01:53 PM)londondan86 Wrote: I have just metered the steering wheel and passenger aribag plug back and come accross something - both pins on each plug seem to go to the sme pins on the airbag control unit?
So on the paint fail below pin 1 on the passenger airbag plug (in the dash) goes to both pin 9 & 10 on the control unit as does pin 2. Pin 3 on the drivers side (under the cowling) goes to both pin 11 & 12 as does pin 4???
yes that is correct!
the pins are shorted when you unplug the large plug from the airbag ecu
it is a safety feature to stop the bags deploying with static charge
if you look carefully at each of the plugs to the airbags at each plug when unplugged the airbag side of the loom gets shorted
on the large plug the double pin above the airbag pair is the shorting pin
on the smaller plugs the shorting parts can be seen against the pins