08-06-2013, 03:12 PM
Hi all, a little bit about my self before I get involved with asking questions and helping others in time. Although I like the 306 cars I do not have one. But I own a boat that use to have to Volvo 240 engines in it. These were old and decided time to change. I looked into what's best for me and the xud td 1.9 came out tops. I marinised one and tried it and it runs very good. So decided to buy another. This engine is slightly different to the first and has been a pig to fit from day one. Tried to start up and for some reason the came shaft has broke. Bottom half looks fine. This is why I decided to join this site to get help and info and to help others when I can. I had no knowledge of diesel till I decided to do the exchange and any info I have has been through reading info on the web. The engine that runs is very good at the moment. I'm told it should give me about 115 hp. I can show pictures in time for those who would like to see or are welcome o come and look. But for now I'm going to struggle with getting this engine sorted. That's probably enough of me going on for now. Good to see a lot off knowledgeable people out their.