31-05-2013, 07:34 AM
That 'boost control maximum reached, because my vnt mechanism starts sticking from time to time' isn't anything to do with the N75 valve, is it?
It seems it's a common problem on the B5 Passat Tdi at least, the turbo suddenly stops working and will either work again if you turn the engine off and back on, or work again once the car has cooled down. It happened to mine and my mate at a local VW specialists diagnosed it immediately. I think it cost me £50 inc. fitting and it was fine after that. If you Google 'VAG TDi N75' (or something lie that) hopefully it will show you.
It seems it's a common problem on the B5 Passat Tdi at least, the turbo suddenly stops working and will either work again if you turn the engine off and back on, or work again once the car has cooled down. It happened to mine and my mate at a local VW specialists diagnosed it immediately. I think it cost me £50 inc. fitting and it was fine after that. If you Google 'VAG TDi N75' (or something lie that) hopefully it will show you.