24-05-2013, 07:17 AM
One set up if cables to enable you to relocate the battery to the boot.
All ends are crimped and solderd for a good trouble free installation and use.
Made from 135amp battery cable that is
Petrol resistant
Power cables are in red ( as they should be)
Earthes are black
All joints are heat shrink sealed to stop water getting in
Included are
1.cable from boot to engine bay
2. Cable from junction in bay to starter
3. Cable from junction in bay to alternator
4. Two short earth straps
Pair of battery clamps
£70 deliverd
All ends are crimped and solderd for a good trouble free installation and use.
Made from 135amp battery cable that is
Petrol resistant
Power cables are in red ( as they should be)
Earthes are black
All joints are heat shrink sealed to stop water getting in
Included are
1.cable from boot to engine bay
2. Cable from junction in bay to starter
3. Cable from junction in bay to alternator
4. Two short earth straps
Pair of battery clamps
£70 deliverd