07-02-2012, 12:52 PM
Dum-Dum Wrote:Ruan want!
I thought the bmw diesel were quite revvy though
The *ENGINE* is revvy - sure.
The injection pump isn't for the same reasons our cars won't do over about 5200rpm whilst maintaining full fuelling without going inline, which is not feasible really...
It should be able to rev to about 5k max, but you're gona struggle past there, remember Darren snapped a 4 cylinder 12mm plunger, add 50% to how many times a minute it goes in and out of the plunger being a 6 cylinder... You can guess what's going to happen.
A 4 cylinder pump, at 5000rpm, the plunger is going in and out of the head 10,000 times a minute... That's 166.6 times a second...
Change that to a 6 cylinder. Which makes 15,000 times a minute, that's 250 in and outs a second... With the possibility of starving it of Diesel when putting the IQ through the roof... You can understand why they sieze...