Having a sort out and have found a few items I do not need
306 s16 coil pack wiring harness, worked fine when I stripped the car down £15
Top engine mount triangular buffers group n items ( think it just means the rubber is harder ) £15
Oil spray bars from an s16 . Straight and not clogged £10 the pair
Wiper switch phase 1 three speed £7.50
Electric mirror switch phase 1 £5
Phs2 /3 rear light boards, no rust and all prongs intact £10 each side
S16 coil pack spacer / buffer things £2.50 each
Most of the warning switches and relays also available just ask
306 s16 coil pack wiring harness, worked fine when I stripped the car down £15
Top engine mount triangular buffers group n items ( think it just means the rubber is harder ) £15
Oil spray bars from an s16 . Straight and not clogged £10 the pair
Wiper switch phase 1 three speed £7.50
Electric mirror switch phase 1 £5
Phs2 /3 rear light boards, no rust and all prongs intact £10 each side
S16 coil pack spacer / buffer things £2.50 each
Most of the warning switches and relays also available just ask