18-04-2013, 09:16 PM
Just started to noticed a vibration coming through the car on the motorway around the 70mph mark.
It's not like a unbalanced wheel but almost like a rough bearing vibration.
I jacked the car up when I got home and tried spinning all the wheels and they all spin nice and smooth. There isn't the typical wheel bearing noise either but on the on the slip road turning left the was a bit of a grindy noise could this be coming from the off side CV joint, could it be worn, if so how could I check?
When I did the clutch the other month I checked the bearing that goes in the engine mount bracket and that seemed ok at the time.
Just thought I'd ask you guys your thoughts on this?
Just started to noticed a vibration coming through the car on the motorway around the 70mph mark.
It's not like a unbalanced wheel but almost like a rough bearing vibration.
I jacked the car up when I got home and tried spinning all the wheels and they all spin nice and smooth. There isn't the typical wheel bearing noise either but on the on the slip road turning left the was a bit of a grindy noise could this be coming from the off side CV joint, could it be worn, if so how could I check?
When I did the clutch the other month I checked the bearing that goes in the engine mount bracket and that seemed ok at the time.
Just thought I'd ask you guys your thoughts on this?