12-04-2013, 11:21 AM
Yeah youll get single person living till shes 18 then mate which is 25% off. Do you know what band the flat is in as then you can find the rate. Its not always obvious as my last house was smaller than this one but in a higher band.
You will need your heaters in this weather even if its only a little bit, you wouldn't believe how cold it gets without them.
Some showers heat themselves, some don't, mine dosent sadly but i will be getting one that does at some point. You need to turn your how water off for at least 3 days to test if it does heat itself as the water stays warm for a fair old time in the tank.
A kettle full of boiling water is perfect for doing the washing up and yeah it'll just be as and when.
A land lord will make you have contents insurance on the flat if its furnished but this is about £6 a month. My buildings and contents insurance is about £15 a month.
I do washing once a week, when i did a normal week it was 2 loads, a load of colours and a load of whites. Now Im on a 10 day week I do 3 loads of washing in the 1 day. You need to do the heavy/thick colours first (jeans jumpers and thick socks) then light/thin colours next like boxxers and t shirts then whites which is only really my shirts. this means the stuff that takes the longest to dry comes out first.
If you have a woman living with you do not underestimate their ability to get through clothes, she might be little but I bet she creates a much washing as you if not more.
The other thing to remember is that with some electric companies you might be able to blag paying at the end of the month. Oh and youll also have to pay for water and a TV licence water is about £15 a month IIRC and TV licence is £145 a year.
You will need your heaters in this weather even if its only a little bit, you wouldn't believe how cold it gets without them.
Some showers heat themselves, some don't, mine dosent sadly but i will be getting one that does at some point. You need to turn your how water off for at least 3 days to test if it does heat itself as the water stays warm for a fair old time in the tank.
A kettle full of boiling water is perfect for doing the washing up and yeah it'll just be as and when.
A land lord will make you have contents insurance on the flat if its furnished but this is about £6 a month. My buildings and contents insurance is about £15 a month.
I do washing once a week, when i did a normal week it was 2 loads, a load of colours and a load of whites. Now Im on a 10 day week I do 3 loads of washing in the 1 day. You need to do the heavy/thick colours first (jeans jumpers and thick socks) then light/thin colours next like boxxers and t shirts then whites which is only really my shirts. this means the stuff that takes the longest to dry comes out first.
If you have a woman living with you do not underestimate their ability to get through clothes, she might be little but I bet she creates a much washing as you if not more.
The other thing to remember is that with some electric companies you might be able to blag paying at the end of the month. Oh and youll also have to pay for water and a TV licence water is about £15 a month IIRC and TV licence is £145 a year.