Tom you bought a 'trap, so glad we didnt pursuade you to keep old of it!!!! And because the vaux is proving to be a pillar of reliability ayyye?!
Very true pellowe i forgot about that, looks like a bit of fiddlings required.
Actually he popped a boost gauge on the vrs a few week ago but took it off as he needs to route it into the cabin properly... boosts up to 30 psi which isnt normal is it? and hes not sure why, meh if it isnt broke and goes like that....
Very true pellowe i forgot about that, looks like a bit of fiddlings required.
Actually he popped a boost gauge on the vrs a few week ago but took it off as he needs to route it into the cabin properly... boosts up to 30 psi which isnt normal is it? and hes not sure why, meh if it isnt broke and goes like that....