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Blower chat what turbos and mods ????
Got a bit heated this thread, so many newbies signing up and expecting to be told how to do stuff no offence like but it is all over the internet, this forum has covered it more times than samas has had sexual thoughts about Ed doe

Its simple in theory big pump big turbo and RESEARCH

its the only way your going to learn otherwise your gonna get loads of shit of ppl because youll be asking how to do this and that which has been covered hundreds of times on the forum

My advise read and read for hours on here look at a bodch manual get one strip it and rebuild it and then youll have a better understanding of how they work etc
[Image: J5hxCcC.jpg]
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RE: Blower chat what turbos and mods ???? - by CJ_Derv - 23-03-2013, 11:39 AM

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