04-03-2013, 02:09 PM
(04-03-2013, 12:23 PM)Dodgy Bob Wrote:(04-03-2013, 09:57 AM)cwspellowe Wrote:(04-03-2013, 09:34 AM)Dodgy Bob Wrote: People (*cough* mainly women *cough*) who insist on putting children and babies in on the roadside! No excuses its just sheer stupidity and laziness!
Laziness how exactly? And what's the difference between that and an adult/driver getting in on that side? If a car door's open, avoid it, simple. Is a driver lazy for getting in on that side when they should avoid
using the offside doors and climb over from the nearside?
Silly drivers.
Laziness for the sake of the safety of ones child! A lot safer to just lean over one seat to secure your kid in a car seat rather than walk out into the road oblivious, kid in one arm, bags in another, keys in their gob, swing door open without even looking, stepping further into the traffic while they juggle the kid, bags, etc. Just sheer stupidity in my opinion just for the sake of leaning over one seat from kerbside without causing a obstruction or having cars barreling past at god know what speed, who may or may not be paying attention / texting / on the phone. It's a child's life they're putting at risk! Hardly comparable to able-bodied person making a conscious decision as driver or passenger to get in from the roadside at least they look before they open the door.
Right but you've just contradicted yourself there, the issue is with the shit driver not paying attention surely?
We're all taught to read hazards in the road. Anything from an oncoming Police car, to a deer running across the road, or a parent putting their child in the car.
You can't just ban people from using roadside doors because drivers might not see them? Why is it a pet hate that people do this, are you one of those drivers that would rather text than watch the road?