26-02-2013, 11:42 PM
Golfs are wank overpriced pieces of shite. I'd have another if they were sensibly priced, seeingg as I know how to fix everything on them after stripping mine, and I know they're fast and economical....but they're just so overpriced for what they are.
As for 306s, I have an awful habit of choosing familiar things...even if I don't like them. Comforting I guess? I still buy pizza, and every time wonder why I ate it as I don't really like it, and lemon cakes always make me feel ill, I don't even really like them, yet for some reason I still buy and eat them..same with cars, I just get into habits which I can't seem to break (like trolling the forum) and I'm genuinely being serious, it really does my head in, but its like Im obsessively compelled to do these things for some reason!
Truth is I need rid if the HDi (mot in march!) But I'm scared to buy another car as i KNOW whatever I get will be shit and broken and another waste of money. So don't really know what to do..Might just not bother with driving, wish id never learned tbh, turned out to just be a money pit ever since.
As for 306s, I have an awful habit of choosing familiar things...even if I don't like them. Comforting I guess? I still buy pizza, and every time wonder why I ate it as I don't really like it, and lemon cakes always make me feel ill, I don't even really like them, yet for some reason I still buy and eat them..same with cars, I just get into habits which I can't seem to break (like trolling the forum) and I'm genuinely being serious, it really does my head in, but its like Im obsessively compelled to do these things for some reason!

Truth is I need rid if the HDi (mot in march!) But I'm scared to buy another car as i KNOW whatever I get will be shit and broken and another waste of money. So don't really know what to do..Might just not bother with driving, wish id never learned tbh, turned out to just be a money pit ever since.