30-01-2012, 10:24 AM
TBH for a filling private is only about a tenner more expensive.
I had a great laugh at my dentist,
Dentist, Do you want me to do this course of treatment privately for you?
Me, Is it you doing the work?
Dentist, Yep
Me, Do you do it here?
Dentist, yep
Me, and I take it you use the same tools and put the same fillings in
Dentist, Yep
Me, Well why would I pay extra for the same treatment then?
Dentist, You get a shorter waiting list and you can have white fillings for an extra charge.
Me, Well ive gotta wait 2 weeks between appointments anyway and I dont want white fillings.
Dentist, Oh, well you get a better service.
Me, Im quite happy with your level of service already thank you. I think ill stick with the NHS
I had a great laugh at my dentist,
Dentist, Do you want me to do this course of treatment privately for you?
Me, Is it you doing the work?
Dentist, Yep
Me, Do you do it here?
Dentist, yep
Me, and I take it you use the same tools and put the same fillings in
Dentist, Yep
Me, Well why would I pay extra for the same treatment then?
Dentist, You get a shorter waiting list and you can have white fillings for an extra charge.
Me, Well ive gotta wait 2 weeks between appointments anyway and I dont want white fillings.
Dentist, Oh, well you get a better service.
Me, Im quite happy with your level of service already thank you. I think ill stick with the NHS