08-02-2013, 09:01 PM
(08-02-2013, 05:51 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Dont think oil level is used by the ECU, but I make sure mines on the max on the dipstick so it reads ok on the gauge anyway. I also park on a downhill slope. Mine makes a fuss starting from cold then pumps out smoke when it does start, wondered if I've got some leaky injectors or something that are dribbling overnight...... Its no different if I park uphill though lol.
But I also know ive got a bad earth as the battery is only a few months old but the dials jump and milage goes to 8888888s most times I start it. Do you guys get that as well?
I get both of those symptoms, smoke and mental clocks (I wish the clocks did it all the time when you put the key in, looks quite cool

I'll go and turn the car around now and see if it makes any difference in the morning.