03-02-2013, 11:55 AM
(03-02-2013, 11:29 AM)David Wrote:(02-02-2013, 10:55 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: David I think your problem is that when they were setting it up on the dyno to start with they have hit the button to set up the revs so maybe they put it as being at 2k when it was actually at 2 and a half and this has compressed your power curve but because bhp is a calculatione of measured torque from the wheels divided by revs if the revs are wrong then the answer is wrong.
What is your torque figure and is that what you expected.
What cars is yours even with in a race and what power do they make.
Where is peak power when your driving on
Torque figure was 210 ftlb I dunno what I wanted for torque but I wild have been happy with 160bhp
Second question I don't understand
Power kicks in at just under 3 and keeps going past 4.5k
(03-02-2013, 11:35 AM)David Wrote: I hant hardly raced anyone tbh. I went up against sams black ph1 dt with t2 and full modded pump and beat him easy and same with just Sean's stage 1 HDI
From what youve described and looking at the graph i really think they set the revs wrong on the machine. From what you can beat id expect 150+bhp and the graph shows your power kicking in at about 2500rpm. Look at the torque curve only as thats whats measured, bhp is calculated from torque.
What ill do later is stretch your torque curve so it reaches 5krpm then from that do the maths to work out what your power would be. That or you can do it yourself. the curve needs to be 40% longer so go into paint and re plot the graph but for every 5 squares it goes across mark the same hight 7 squares across then join the dots and the line should end at 5k then google what the maths is to work out bhp from torque and youll get the right number. For info that would make your peak torque at about 4k which would then make your power 159bhp at 4krpm.
Use this calculator and re plot the rev range. you might find it to be a little over 160bhp just after the peek torque.
I dont think they lifted from the way the power curve appears to hit a wall so unless you have governor issues or some sort of other issue I can only see that a little set up error has given you the issue.