03-02-2013, 11:11 AM
(02-02-2013, 02:58 PM)Dum-Dum Wrote: 168bhp was the best of mine with 285 lb/ft
Most powerful pug of the day but my car is f*cked
It actually goes _perfect_ with the amount of diesel set in the file.
The 2.2 makes 2.41bhp per mg diesel. The file is set for 168,07bhp - so it is actually spot on. The 2.2 efficiency is actually a bit lower than the 2.0 - but I hoped that due to the missing DPF the efficiency would climb to 2.0 levels. (2.52BHp/mg diesel). This would result in 175BHp.

Do you still have the DPF on it?
Dunno if you have seen it, but I sent you a newer file late Friday - it is set for 184.4BHp and 303lbft. But if the engine is pissing out with oil, then you probably need to sort that leak before giving it more power.

If the engine is healthy, it should be able to make 190BHp without too much smoke.