This bonnet was bought and then sent off to have the de badging done by a local body works firm.
The seen side has all been blasted back to basics to remove all the old paint so there's no cross contamination and is now 2 PAC primed and sanded ready for you to put into the colour of your car, comes with grill
Sitting here ready to go, you could also easily carbon wrap it if you wanted
This bonnet has cost me a hell of a lot more but change of heart and looking to recoup some of the invested funds
All for £120 ono incl. hockey sticks which you may be able to use
The seen side has all been blasted back to basics to remove all the old paint so there's no cross contamination and is now 2 PAC primed and sanded ready for you to put into the colour of your car, comes with grill
Sitting here ready to go, you could also easily carbon wrap it if you wanted
This bonnet has cost me a hell of a lot more but change of heart and looking to recoup some of the invested funds
All for £120 ono incl. hockey sticks which you may be able to use