30-12-2012, 07:01 PM
Thanks for that post. The red 520d was just a picture. I'm defiantly having a manual. Nothing worse than autos IMO!ThThat's when you no you really have given up all hope!!
I'm staying at 2.0 for insurance. Even the 2.0 BMW is insurance group 32 let alone a 535!!
I don't mind a sporty ride. Just asking as it don't crash around and vibrate everything lose like my pug does!
I don't really forecast how much its going to cost in the future as I'm not really bothered. I'll drive a car till it breaks then break it and move on generally. Might seem a false economy doing it that way but its the way it is! Hate buying and selling cars
I'm staying at 2.0 for insurance. Even the 2.0 BMW is insurance group 32 let alone a 535!!
I don't mind a sporty ride. Just asking as it don't crash around and vibrate everything lose like my pug does!
I don't really forecast how much its going to cost in the future as I'm not really bothered. I'll drive a car till it breaks then break it and move on generally. Might seem a false economy doing it that way but its the way it is! Hate buying and selling cars