27-12-2012, 03:54 PM
(27-12-2012, 03:14 PM)Jonny b Wrote: If you want it Tom just get it!! ffs stop fannying around ha ha
I want a lot of things lol, doesn't mean I can just get them. But what i mean is I'm not sure if I do want one, or if I just think I do for the sake of spending money on something.

I'm always buying shit for the car that I think I want.....then wonder why the hell I wasted the money on it lol.

(27-12-2012, 03:22 PM)kentiiboii Wrote: Tom I look at it this way....
Before I passed my test I had hours of fun on my Xbox each day. Then I got my license and my car then didn't really play Xbox.
But I wish I did as my orignal Xbox is still going strong (even though mrs bought me new one for Xmas). But my orignal car was scrapped a long time ago and I've had about 10 since.
I have a data transferre kit that you can get the data off your old hard drive to put to your new one without taking anything apart.just need the old hard drive
. I can send it through post as long as you send it back
Yeah same here really, once I started driving I stopped xbox'ing, thats why I'm thinking I might not use it, which would obviously be a waste.
And thanks but I'd already saved the stuff onto the PC internal hard drive just before the external died so thats not an issue.

(27-12-2012, 03:37 PM)MrsMidnight Wrote: You can also talk to people on Xbox and maybe help with your people problems a bit like...
Not when you set the parental setting like I did.....