27-12-2012, 03:48 AM
Best christmas present I got was off my mum, not only did she allow me to get the piercing I wanted for ages but she hated and therefore outlawed me getting it done (Central lip piercing!) but she actually told me to take her to "The place where I get my ear stretched" and then paid for me to have it done. This year we've not been exactly flushed with having to pay rent on a caravan due to being homeless at the minute so we're doing the whole "Proper christmas" when we actually have a bit more cash!
Most EPIC present: I have yet to receive and I feel a bit guilty but Soapy Sophie wants to give me £150 towards "A less wank car!"
Most EPIC present: I have yet to receive and I feel a bit guilty but Soapy Sophie wants to give me £150 towards "A less wank car!"
Member of Team Rather be Gay than Ginger
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Member of Team Holey Engine