24-12-2012, 08:39 PM
(24-12-2012, 06:49 PM)kingy Wrote: well, seems as he is dressed in blue and a name like charlie i dont think that would take to much to figure out really. lol
I came out of the hospital in pink...The doctors thought I was a female until I came out and then when they realised my dick was bigger than me they realised.
So it's not as self-explanatory as you might think, but congrats man. Stoked for you!
(24-12-2012, 06:45 PM)Niall Wrote: Seriously though, im useless with little people. what is it? Boy or girl?
And Niall I'm the same. Including when they first arrive and you get the normal "Who does he/she look like?"...Seriously, right now it looks like a potato.
But Kingy's be cute
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