Cut the recess out.
Cover the outside of the void with tape and varies sticks to keep the contours.
80grit the back.
Fibreglass and leave to harden.
Remove tape or whatever you found to use.
Slap some filler on.
Sand the shit out of it, left to right to keep contours.
Prime, paint and laquer.
Relax and have a poky bum wank at your amaze balls smooth grille
Cover the outside of the void with tape and varies sticks to keep the contours.
80grit the back.
Fibreglass and leave to harden.
Remove tape or whatever you found to use.
Slap some filler on.
Sand the shit out of it, left to right to keep contours.
Prime, paint and laquer.
Relax and have a poky bum wank at your amaze balls smooth grille