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Advice on Projects! Estate, 1.8, Track?
right, read halfway thru, got bored. got the jist tho

1. put the 1.8 back to standard and sell, probably cheap. IMO, 800 is a bit high, but if you're willing to hold out, it will get that I'd imagine.

2. Stage 2 the hdi estate. went out in little jonny's at the christmas meet, and ohmyfuckingjesustittyfuckingchrist, I want one. that thing seemed brutal, and seemed to grip the road really well, and it sounds epic! for a filthy diesel.
get thicker tortion bars on the back, and it'll be fine for towing your paddle boat, and still be practical. probably be another group buy sometime soon. fit the rest of the shinies off the 1.8, and i'd reckon you could have a cracking car.

3. deffo sell the 1.8. unless you boost it.

oh and since I've been faaaaar too nice to little jonny in that post, his car's shit, and he's too short, he's northern and he smells. of cheese.
[Image: k6f9Fk]

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RE: Advice on Projects! Estate, 1.8, Track? - by samass - 07-12-2012, 11:44 PM

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