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Time for a Fresh Start - Updated Page 3, Jan 2013
Dude Ive not read all the replies as its a wall of text and itll hurt my eyes so im probably gonna repeat myself.

My best mate is alot like you, has IBS and probably a little OCD too (although nowhere near as bad as you) and yes he did get better when he moved out although he moved out with his sister who although dosent stress him out as much as his parents she still dosent help sometimes so you are thinking along the right lines.

You need to speak to your parents mate, it wont start getting better till you do.

I think you need to go back to the doctors and explain that this is preventing you from getting an actual job then if it really stops you from working go and try and sign up for disability benefits.

As for jobs I like Muttleys idea from you but think you might be good at something working from home if you can find one that isnt a scam. That or become one of these people who buys tat in bulk and sells it on ebay.

If you think positive youll do positive, think negative and youll do negative so remember these few things as they get me through the day sometimes and remind me of what im trying to achieve;
- Theres no point stressing about stuff you have no control over.
- If you feel like you have no mates just remember you are awesome and if nobody likes you anyway then you can be totally yourself and do exactly what you want and not have to worry about upsetting anyone as they already dislike you so theres worries.
- If you put your mind to it you CAN do anything no matter what other people tell you.
- People value honesty more than anything else.
- No pain no gain, pain is temporary, pride is forever.
- Never regret ANYTHING, you have good experiences and learning experiences, never bad experiences. If something bad happens but you learn something from it then can it really be classed as a bad experience.

As for your women troubles I reckon thats lack of confidence caused by your issues and also lack of actually meeting women. Im not gay but your not a bad looking lad, certainly not a fatty and when you open up you are genuinely a really funny bloke. Try talking to women, "hey have you got the time", "have you got a light", "im not local, is there any take aways round here that I wont get food poisoning at" works on the street, random shop birds you can get with "the weather is appauling/brilliant today" and stuff like that or even slightly creepy compliments on their appearance i like your nails/hair you have really pretty eyes/smile. Worst thats gonna happen is that someone you dont know and dont give a f*ck about is gonna tell you to f*ck off. Maybe even get on a dating site and look for someone else who describes themselves as shy.

TBH what trying to chat up women will probably do is make you realise that theyer all anoying or f*cking stupid and theres many obvious reasons why this woman standing in front of you is single and at that point youll consider turning gay.

Confidence is huge, sometimes youve gotta put on a front of confidence even while your shitting yourself like you were saying about serving kids with no ID, worst thats gonna happen is theyer gonna shout at you, maybe punch you if youve not pulled off looking confident too well. If kids come in with no ID the tell them to go away, its store policy etc, if they start being mouthy say your not serving anyone whos a lady garden iregardless of age. If they say theyer going to complain tell them theyll need to bring an adult in with them or say feel free, my names on my badge so you know who your complaining about. Ive stood nose to nose with people threatening to hurt me with fights i wouldnt win but because i can act like id win people back down and give up. Alot of it is sticking by your guns. Know that your right and dont let people try and persuade you otherwise

I take it i did tell you I like to call IBS ICS as it does make suffers right irritable lady gardens LOL

Hope that helps mate
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 03-12-2012, 07:18 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Dum-Dum - 03-12-2012, 08:38 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 04-12-2012, 05:17 PM
RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Niall - 04-12-2012, 05:24 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 04-12-2012, 06:57 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 04-12-2012, 07:20 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 05-12-2012, 08:06 AM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Niall - 05-12-2012, 10:07 AM
Time for a Fresh Start - by kentiiboii - 05-12-2012, 10:57 AM
RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 05-12-2012, 12:22 PM
RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by C.A.R. - 05-12-2012, 12:25 PM
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RE: Time for a Fresh Start - by Toms306 - 14-12-2012, 10:34 PM
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