18-01-2012, 01:14 PM
His name is Darren Lobb - not Darren Job.. You retard.
If you want to find out how XUDs bust rods, blow a few first, then find out yourself, don't rely on Darren, me, Dave, JP, Con, Anto etc. to give you the answers, because we've tried for years to work it out, no ones come up with an answer yet...
Low down torque does NOT on it's own bust rods/bottom ends. You'll find that quote came from the 1.6 IDI guys who have bottom ends made of cheese, a stage 1 tune and they're lifting the head, stage 2 and the intermediate shaft has gone flying and the big end caps have given way. As far as I'm aware, I'm producing the most amount of Torque in a DT currently, if not, second to JP... Never dynoed, but from my experience of these engines, and I'm sure other people will back me on this who've been in it, it's f*cking torquey...
And I'm not having bottom end issues yet... I'm lifting the head and not having bottom end issues... So my peak cylinder pressures must be pretty high.
Do some research yourself, not just spouting what others say on a forum.
If you want to find out how XUDs bust rods, blow a few first, then find out yourself, don't rely on Darren, me, Dave, JP, Con, Anto etc. to give you the answers, because we've tried for years to work it out, no ones come up with an answer yet...
Low down torque does NOT on it's own bust rods/bottom ends. You'll find that quote came from the 1.6 IDI guys who have bottom ends made of cheese, a stage 1 tune and they're lifting the head, stage 2 and the intermediate shaft has gone flying and the big end caps have given way. As far as I'm aware, I'm producing the most amount of Torque in a DT currently, if not, second to JP... Never dynoed, but from my experience of these engines, and I'm sure other people will back me on this who've been in it, it's f*cking torquey...
And I'm not having bottom end issues yet... I'm lifting the head and not having bottom end issues... So my peak cylinder pressures must be pretty high.
Do some research yourself, not just spouting what others say on a forum.