25-11-2012, 05:22 PM
The anxiety attack prick is obv just doing it to wind you up and has some serious issues too and if she doesn't put a stop to it soon it could escalate into something much more sinister.
I don't condone violence but do it again till he gets the message lol
If her dad thinks your awesome then that's great as at the end of the day any dad just wants to make sure his darling daughter is going to be treated right and looked after and the fact that you have a decent job in this day and age is a plus sign as far as he's concerned.
If he likes you enough to donate a car then even better - but a Honda Ballade I think is the Honda version of the rover 213 which if its been looked after mechanically should serve you well.
Get some oil in that polo before you destroy another car lol then get that power steering sorted ASAP - if you do get the Honda at least you will be able to sell the pole without faulty power steering and get maximum money for it.
Your 40 yr old land rover had lighter steering because it never did anything - you had to turn the steering wheel 6 times just to get it to go round a bend - vague is an understatement lol .
As for her straddling you whilst doing the make up for Halloween I'd of just moved in for the kill there and then and at least tried it on with her and see how far it went. After all you have a back up now and it's about time you started to play the bitches at their own game, go and see the one with the rack that's recovering from the accident.
Let Naomi know where you're going and if she's interested she'll soon come running ready to fling herself at you, if they can have you they don't want you if they can't have you then they want you - bitches be mad I tell you!!!
Plenty of pugs available bud - just need to save a bit and get a decent one that you really like. I paid £391 for my ph2 Dtub in march off eBay unseen and it just flew through its mot and I've done hardly anything to it mechanically since owning it.
I don't condone violence but do it again till he gets the message lol
If her dad thinks your awesome then that's great as at the end of the day any dad just wants to make sure his darling daughter is going to be treated right and looked after and the fact that you have a decent job in this day and age is a plus sign as far as he's concerned.
If he likes you enough to donate a car then even better - but a Honda Ballade I think is the Honda version of the rover 213 which if its been looked after mechanically should serve you well.
Get some oil in that polo before you destroy another car lol then get that power steering sorted ASAP - if you do get the Honda at least you will be able to sell the pole without faulty power steering and get maximum money for it.
Your 40 yr old land rover had lighter steering because it never did anything - you had to turn the steering wheel 6 times just to get it to go round a bend - vague is an understatement lol .
As for her straddling you whilst doing the make up for Halloween I'd of just moved in for the kill there and then and at least tried it on with her and see how far it went. After all you have a back up now and it's about time you started to play the bitches at their own game, go and see the one with the rack that's recovering from the accident.
Let Naomi know where you're going and if she's interested she'll soon come running ready to fling herself at you, if they can have you they don't want you if they can't have you then they want you - bitches be mad I tell you!!!
Plenty of pugs available bud - just need to save a bit and get a decent one that you really like. I paid £391 for my ph2 Dtub in march off eBay unseen and it just flew through its mot and I've done hardly anything to it mechanically since owning it.