22-11-2012, 08:22 PM
speaking to a bloke on tdocuk forum and he was saying to get some Mercedes injector Nozzels with shimmed injectors and a d8abottom end....anyone heard of this being done ?
he also replyed with this.....qoute Standard bosch injector cracking off pressure is 175 bar if you fit Mercedes injector Nozzels the pressure changes from 175 too 260 or even higher so you have them calibrated so there all equal but you need the 11 mm metering head as the 9 will struggle with the pressure.
he also replyed with this.....qoute Standard bosch injector cracking off pressure is 175 bar if you fit Mercedes injector Nozzels the pressure changes from 175 too 260 or even higher so you have them calibrated so there all equal but you need the 11 mm metering head as the 9 will struggle with the pressure.