(11-09-2012, 07:48 AM)cully Wrote: morrisons fuel has i higher content of bio in the mix which is more corosive it cleans the lines this is what blocked one of my injectors giving a crap idle
morrisons here is 5ppl cheaper too but i refused to use it now as it cost me a set of injectors
My next tank will be Texaco, I'll compare pence per mile and go from there.

(11-09-2012, 02:57 PM)Poodle Wrote: Congratulations Ben!
Many thanks.

I hear from my mechanic (through random conversation) that his brother may well be scrapping his HDi meridian... I think the rear axle is on its way to collapse. I may offer £20/£50 over scrap value if that's the case as he tells me the engine is sound, so new injectors for me, diesel dials, back up engine for one day, brakes and a shit load else. Shouldn't work out too much money in comparison either as my girlfriend scrapped her M reg 1.9 td 306 for £110 in April. lols.
Turned out he was mega busy today and couldn't test anything this afternoon, so it's in Tuesday/Wednesday coming for a good inspection.
I'll keep some updates rolling as and when.