22-08-2012, 02:44 PM
(22-08-2012, 12:25 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: I found a gauge kicking around, but prob any hydraulic gauge would do - they're not too expensive, ebay maybe?
Up to 150/200 psi should do the trick - can't see them kicking to much over 100ish realistically, but if someone wants to jump in.
(22-08-2012, 11:40 AM)CJ_Derv Wrote: Thats next weeks plan for mine IPP guage any ideas where to get guage from? or what type of guage can be used? and pressure rating required lol
Nice one pal will have a look at the fitting im getting and order one that will fit im plumbing it in the same way they plumb the tester using and extension to take 2 banjos should be fun to see what it reads and if my pump is down