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Chris won't be happy you stole his thread...he'll be a grumpy bugger all day now......oh wait..... Itwasntme

So mines a little more interesting than usual (rent's won't be here for some of it! Big Grin )

Friday - Dog walking, sorting more (old crap) antique stuff at nans into boxes for charity shop or auction, heading to the charity shop and town for a few bits (and to look at a 306 for sale ninja ), at some point today I'm gonna MTFU and make a detists appoinment, pizza for tea, and theres an Ipswich cruise tonight I might go to!

Saturday - Hopefully Sam will be about in the morning and we can get on with some more of his HDi clutch! Doing some car related shiz in the evening (cruise/meet/drive, something slightly sociable anyway!)

Sunday - Nans in the morning, cut the grass etc etc. Nothing yet planned in the evening, but probably more 306 hunting lol.

Quite busy for a change!
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RE: IIIIT'SSS FRIIIIIDDDAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! - by Toms306 - 17-08-2012, 07:53 AM

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