20-07-2012, 08:36 AM
Tonight quick gym sesh on legs n back, then off home scran then going to a monthly car meet up in bacup
Saturday workin 8-12 so will be polishing car at work haha then off to gym and then replace inlet/exhaust manifold gasket and have a tweak of the old bosch and then finish decorating off
Sunday 4am pick mrs up from airport back to mine then spoil her rotton for her birthday which is sat but wont see her sat
Saturday workin 8-12 so will be polishing car at work haha then off to gym and then replace inlet/exhaust manifold gasket and have a tweak of the old bosch and then finish decorating off
Sunday 4am pick mrs up from airport back to mine then spoil her rotton for her birthday which is sat but wont see her sat