I swear to god i'm going insane

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I swear to god i'm going insane
where do i start...

I live in t'country and have hayfever so as you can imagine my nose wont stop running and i mean like every 5 seconds i need a tissue, yum.

Also my sister has managed to change her laptops password and then forget it the same day? and i have been asked to sort it out because "I know a lot about computers" which is bull, i just read the f*cking instructions.

My wireless is also being a C**t and wont let me connect, even though im sat about 2 meters away. have tried resetting the router, turning wireless on and off, unplugging everything and putting it back in again.

so yeah, hows your day going?
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Who is you ISP. Laptop could be a bitch, my mum uses pulls and they work great.
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With TalkTalk, been trying to convince parents they are getting ripped off for so long but they dont listen.

Think they are paying £20 a month inc call but the internet is so slow it hurts, my mobiles data connection is quicker
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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My day: got to scrapyard, removed a head and cambelts in record time, about to drop the gearbox and NOTHING was budging at all. pissed off
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(28-06-2012, 12:21 PM)ginge191 Wrote: My day: got to scrapyard, removed a head and cambelts in record time, about to drop the gearbox and NOTHING was budging at all. pissed off

that sounds like a complete shitter, nothing every goes right when you're doing well
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Dec, unlucky with the hayfever dude. Its currently kicking my arse too >Sad get yourself some clarityn.

Laptop password, i'm assuming you mean the windows login password? Download Hirens boot cd, boot off of that, and there are one or two programs you can use to reset the password.

Wireless, what are you trying to connect to the wireless? Unplug the router and leave it for 2-5 mins, turn whatever it is you are trying to connect to it off for a minute too. and yes, talk talk are f*cking shocking.... where exactly do you live? (i.e distance from the nearest telephone exchange)
Member of Team Rather be Gay than Ginger

[Image: Untitled.png]
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(28-06-2012, 12:29 PM)Skank_army Wrote: Dec, unlucky with the hayfever dude. Its currently kicking my arse too >Sad get yourself some clarityn.

Laptop password, i'm assuming you mean the windows login password? Download Hirens boot cd, boot off of that, and there are one or two programs you can use to reset the password.

Wireless, what are you trying to connect to the wireless? Unplug the router and leave it for 2-5 mins, turn whatever it is you are trying to connect to it off for a minute too. and yes, talk talk are f*cking shocking.... where exactly do you live? (i.e distance from the nearest telephone exchange)

Now downloading that Hirens boot cd, hopefully will let me sort this out! and yeah the first screen you come to when you turn it on.
i live in beccles, suffolk and not sure where the exchange is but talktalk mug you off so bad!
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Cool, let us know if you have any trouble. Have you tried running a line test to see what your max supported speed is? Give that a go, If you are gonna stick with t'interwebs over ADSL, I'd recommend either BE, or o2. o2 can work out cheaper, if anyone living there has a phone contract with em, you get half price broadband. Their speeds and traffic shaping policies are pretty fair too (from what i have experienced) If you are after all out speed, BE may be better for you. Or consider Virgin media.... I dont have a phone line so only pay £9pcm for the first 4 months, then £16 after. That's for 30mb, (i have gotten 32 out of it before) and they are also doubling our speed for free sometime in july Smile
Member of Team Rather be Gay than Ginger

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bloody download got interrupted as i disconnected grrr!

Now going to have a look and see if there are any decent deals going at the moment, all of us are with orange Sad
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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we are packing my grands flat up, as she is now in a home sadly. we cannot give her sofa and chair away as they dont have these special fire labels or somert on them. the last items to go aswell.
laugh is while i was down there. i was remembering the time when i helped set the place up and conversions with my grandad ( rip 2008) sitting in with my gran. getting her a camera fitted in last year to try and catch her neighbour stealing my grans pention ( different story)
ya fucker how things change in a space of 4 years since my grandads death!
this year has been tough for my mum and i have backed her all the way too with getting help for my gran.
then seeing my gran go down hill since new year.
my dad acting the goat with me mum about my grans flat etc
sometimes i wonder how i havent gone insane yet trying to keep the peace etc.
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that hirens boot cd worked a f*cking charm thank you!

and Procta i kind of know how you feel (not on the same level though) when my grandad passed away helping to take items out of his house and stuff, the cheek of the situation was that the person living with him, she was like 30 + obese, when he passed away she EMPTIED his fridges, freezer and cupboards!
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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I'm another one with hayfever............which as you can imagine is a bastard as I 'work' outside pretty much all day....not even been gardening today, just filling a skip outside, and nose and eyes are constantly leaking!! I dont like pills though..........just wondered if anyone knows of any sort of natural ways to stop it?? I've heard about honey....but any others you know of??
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Nasal sprays? they used to work perfectly for me
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Any ones in particuar? Might have try that.....as it really is doing my head in now, can't wait for winter lol.
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i went to the doctor and got one last year Smile
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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f*ck that.....don't like doctors lol.
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it will be worth it though Wink
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Beconase, Pirinase...something along those lines. They're all the same anyway really.

Glad to hear you got your computer unlocked, at least some things worked out? Undecided
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Cheers Scott,
Was a PITA but finally got in to it :L
Now i need to find a DECENT ISP and calls for around £20 p/m as TalkTalk take the piss
[Image: 306ocsig_edited-1-1.jpg]

306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(28-06-2012, 03:34 PM)declantg Wrote: that hirens boot cd worked a f*cking charm thank you!

and Procta i kind of know how you feel (not on the same level though) when my grandad passed away helping to take items out of his house and stuff, the cheek of the situation was that the person living with him, she was like 30 + obese, when he passed away she EMPTIED his fridges, freezer and cupboards!

No worries fella Smile that cd has pulled my arse out of the fire many, many times!

Dafuq??? Should have told the cheeky bitch to do one!

(28-06-2012, 03:47 PM)Toms306 Wrote: I'm another one with hayfever............which as you can imagine is a bastard as I 'work' outside pretty much all day....not even been gardening today, just filling a skip outside, and nose and eyes are constantly leaking!! I dont like pills though..........just wondered if anyone knows of any sort of natural ways to stop it?? I've heard about honey....but any others you know of??

Toms, if your'e after organic hippy shit that actually does work, get yourself some luffa complex. It comes in tablet, drops, or nasal spray form.

Manuca honey supposedly works for some too.....
Member of Team Rather be Gay than Ginger

[Image: Untitled.png]
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(28-06-2012, 03:47 PM)Toms306 Wrote: I dont like pills though..........just wondered if anyone knows of any sort of natural ways to stop it?? I've heard about honey....but any others you know of??

Tom, click the bloody link I posted FFS................... Tongue
Team Orange Engine Bay

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The honey thing is meant to be for local honeys, ones that would be made with the same sort of pollen that's bothering you I think
just chow down the pills, I'm on galpharm non drowses ones they can be hit or miss and it's a dick when they run out n all the pollen attacks
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project: http://306oc.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=14360
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