Pugfest 2018 - 01/07/18

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Show: Pugfest 2018 - 01/07/18
Advanced ticket sales will end on 17 June, this gives time to process and post out orders, thanks
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Booked up, can’t believe it’ll be my first time at pugfest [emoji23]

1.Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. PugLee
14. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
15. Cheez + Aaron
16. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
17. gti6man
18.Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only

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Booked now

1.Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. PugLee
14. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
15. Cheez + Aaron
16. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
17. gti6man
18.Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only

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I'll be attending again in my old shed I should think. Not sure if I can park it other than the car park this year as it's the 30th anniversary celebration? I'm assuming there will be more than the 3 that attended last year?
Thanks given by:
1.Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. PugLee
14. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
15. Cheez + Aaron
16. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
17. gti6man
18.Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

Thanks given by:
1.Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. PugLee
14. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
15. Cheez + Aaron - Booked - Camping and 6 runs each
16. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
17. gti6man
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Hi Eeyore

Just wondering where pugfest is held.

Also How to I post on the forum to ask question - got a cabriolet which badly needs welding... (roof)... and wondered if anyone knows anyone!

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Bugatti Owners Club
Prescott Hill

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(05-06-2018, 12:53 PM)libster Wrote: How to I post on the forum to ask question ..

Go to the relevant section of the forum (Interior, Exterior & ICE in your case) n then click on 'Post Thread'.  Do a little intro to you, your car, n its history in the newbies section too.
Thanks given by:
1.Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. PugLee
14. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
15. Cheez + Aaron
16. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
17. gti6man
18.Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only
21.ROBCAT Sunday only
If it can break it will. Matter over mind will fix it. Idea
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Should be a good one! Big Grin
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Can't come, just found out I'm working that weekend! Boooo
Thanks given by:
1. Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. 7057sam
13. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
14. Cheez + Aaron
15. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
16. gti6man
17. Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only
18. Jamie
19. Kerry
20. ROBCAT Sunday only
21. Chris HDI +1 - BOOKED - Camping
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You guys in orchard?

1. Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. 7057sam
13. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
14. Cheez + Aaron
15. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
16. gti6man
17. Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only
18. Jamie
19. Kerry
20. ROBCAT Sunday only
21. Chris HDI +1 - BOOKED - Camping
22. Zx_volcane - likely Sunday only

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Thanks given by:
1. Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. 7057sam
13. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
14. Cheez + Aaron
15. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
16. gti6man
17. Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only
18. Jamie
19. Kerry
20. ROBCAT Sunday only
21. Chris HDI +1 - BOOKED - Camping
22. Zx_volcane - likely Sunday only
23. Doseph - camping
Thanks given by:
All booked and hill runs sorted. Anyone want a passenger ride feel free to find me on the day.

1. Eeyore - BOOKED - Camping & 5 Early Birds
2. Lady Bash - BOOKED - Camping
3. Mattcheese31
4. Chopper5000 - BOOKED 4 hill runs
5. Daniel909
6. Frosty - BOOKED - Sunday only with lots of hills runs
7. mr_fish
8. MY95
9. Pebbles167
10. wainwrightj - BOOKED - Camping & 4 Early Birds
11. Orta
12. 7057sam
13. Dum-Dum - BOOKED - Show only - AM & PM bulk deals.
14. Cheez + Aaron
15. OMEGAxCC - BOOKED - Camping
16. gti6man
17. Rocker8742 - BOOKED - Show only
18. Jamie
19. Kerry
20. ROBCAT Sunday only
21. Chris HDI +1 - BOOKED - Camping
22. Zx_volcane - likely Sunday only
23. Doseph - camping
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so ive contacted the organisers and they have 22 cars booked on our stand. Not sure who hasnt booked but hopefully its not me!
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(19-06-2018, 10:04 PM)Eeyore Wrote: so ive contacted the organisers and they have 22 cars booked on our stand. Not sure who hasnt booked but hopefully its not me!

Any idea where we will be? Be a nice change to not be chucked on the end of public parking for a change
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I know the bloke who puts together the main Paddock, putting clubs into spaces etc, let me have a word.

I spoke to him a couple of weeks back, usually they try to work out what space is available once ticket purchasing has closed.
Even if it's a late Saturday afternoon change once they know better numbers, leave it with me, will see what he says.

Has anyone from the club here contacted PSCuk and asked about club space within the main Paddock?

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ive been in touch with the PSCuk guys recently but not asked where the stand is. Ill ask.
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From what I'm hearing, most clubs ask for a Paddock spot months in advance. Also, you bring big numbers so are unlikely to have a space for all of you. You could ask for a 5 or 10 car spot though.

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I hope you have your 306OC 'Tug of War' team ready for the Saturday evening

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Got a green Orchard  vehicle pass today and wrist band and a Pugfest sticker.  Nearly missed the wristband in the envelope. Check that you don't too.
If it can break it will. Matter over mind will fix it. Idea
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Hi All. We have a washing machine drum burner and will be getting some coal and firelighters for it. if anyone has some bigger wood to lob in later on when we need a fire and not just to cook please bring along!
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(29-06-2018, 10:56 AM)Eeyore Wrote: Hi All. We have a washing machine drum burner and will be getting some coal and firelighters for it. if anyone has some bigger wood to lob in later on when we need a fire and not just to cook please bring along!

I’ve got a bag of Logs I’ll chuck in the boot
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If anyone gets there first please bag a spot for 306oc. We need space for the burner, marquee and probably about ten tents! East coast lot should be getting there about 4/5ish.
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(30-06-2018, 11:19 AM)Eeyore Wrote: If anyone gets there first please bag a spot for 306oc. We need space for the burner, marquee and probably about ten tents! East coast lot should be getting there about 4/5ish.

Made me ham sarnies, having beans on toast and then I'll be outa here .
If it can break it will. Matter over mind will fix it. Idea
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pictures thread going up! great weekend as per usual. thanks for all who came.

please post pictures here- https://www.306oc.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=36952
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