Hdi won't start after hp pump replacement

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Hdi won't start after hp pump replacement
I've had issues with a 206 2.0 hdi for around a year now.

I've just had the hp pump swapped for a lower mileage one and now the car won't start.

The injectors are getting no electrical signal so the question is, would changing the pump cause this or is it a separate issue?

Car has been struggling to start, cutting out, not responding to pressing gas pedal, spluttering and generally driving poorly (all random and intermittent) .

I have been struggling with diagnosing the problems for a while now and not getting anywhere.

(I did have another thread similar to this previously).

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Update, the injectors are giving a pulse with easy start but car won't run on its own fuel.

The crank pressure is not reading 200 bar on the rail for the ecu to fire the injectors.

Is this pump maybe dodgy? Fpr dirty?

One problem after another with this whereas my 306 hdi hasn't had so much as a hiccup!

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Is the intank pump priming the system? How old is the filter? Can you get access to PP2000?
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it ran on the old pump so I would refit that..
need a part number? http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/ and http://service.citroen.com/ will sort you out.
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Couldn't get pp2000 on but when turning over on another diag tool the fuel pressure was only getting to 63 max on crank.

In tank pump priming plenty of fuel to front and i change the filters regularly (6/7000 miles).

We've put the old pump back on and it started after 2 primes.

Must be a failed pump (off eBay) Can the pumps get seized if sat on a shelf? Apparently came off a running car but when was that running....?

Anyway it's running now and I've kept the fpr from the bought pump on to see if it will run any better. Ran fairly normal for me last night, but seems to know to play up when the missus is driving.

I've had enough now so think it's time to move on from the 206 and stick with the 306's!

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Problem must still be there because it was doing it before the new/used pump was fitted. I wonder if the pressure relief valve in the filter housing could be dicky? There is also a valve on the HP pump inlet, below a certain pressure it stays shut and just lubricates the pump, above the pressure it allows fuel into the piston assembly.
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I will be replacing the housing next week and will fit another filter when I service it at the same time.

I'm not really clued up on the hdi engine so learning as I go.

From what I've read gold filings in the housing are a sign the hp pump is on the way out.

Current issues where grey smoke on full acceleration which didn't seem to clear when the turbo was on boost,
Occasionally refusing to start on first few attempts,
(I will be changing glow plugs),
Juddering and erratic revs when cruising,
When pulling off from a junction-foot down and the engine hesitates/ won't rev with the pedal on the floor.

This is making it dangerous when my girlfriend is driving as someone will end up smashing into the side of her. She doesn't really want to drive it.

Tps is good, brand new maf, swapped the injectors with my 306 and that made no difference, fpr changed, checked feed pump and that is delivering enough fuel.

As I say I will change the housing to rule it out.

It has also been on pp2000 in the past and no codes came up.

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