So annoyed today, car related!

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So annoyed today, car related!
Needed to replace a leaking oil switch on my Pajero.

Took the top bit apart, took all the bottom covers off without issue. Sump nut out, oil into oil pain. 

Cant undo the oil filter! Off to halfords I go for a tool, got a chain thing with a ratchet thing on the end of it. 

Got home (20 minute walk either way) ratchet doesnt fit! I have 3/8 and it needs 1/2!! 

Back to Halfords, £30 later come out with a advanced 1/2 drive ratchet and extender. 

Get home under car, straining and fighting the lactic acid in my arms I get the oil filter off! Next target the oil sensor! Its covered in crusty oil, so a good call there POCUK! Got the electrical plug off from above, and the 27mm socket wont go over the sensor! The 22mm one in the set fits lovely over the replacement sensor. 

Slight hissy fit (amazingly without swearing), i've chucked all the gubbins in the garage in front of the mrs' Civic (why didn't I drive that to Halfords you may ask! I stupidly parked the Pajero too close to the garage to get it out, lesson learned!) 

I will fit new oil filter and fill oil tomorrow, then ring some garages for a quote to replace the sensor! if its £50 or thereabouts I may just put it in! £30 ratchet, £35 on the useless sockets and £2.50 for the sensor down, I can't keep chucking money at it! 

annoying, as I COULD do it if the socket would fit.
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You're not the only one having a bad car day lol finally got my hdi back up and running only to find the injector seats have been ruined by injectors leaking for so long that the holes are no longer round!
Gotta wait til Monday now to borrow a seat cutter.

Bloody diesels eh
Current stable
'09 Mercedes E320cdi wagon 
'99 306 gti6
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Despite having one, I stand my my Toms306 quote!

I cant afford to fuel a petrol 4x4 lol
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use a 27mm spanner..
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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deep Socket?
It goes, it stops (as reqd). Makeup
Hate Housework!
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Tis a deep socket! I bought these for the job

Dont have a 27mm spanner, and theres little to no access to use one anyway.

Gotta put the socket on it from above, then crawl underneath and undo it a few degrees at a time! Job is a right pain but doable!
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Just smash the plug off the old sensor.. Itll fit then lol
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The plug is not the issue! The "nut" part of the sensor is too big for the 27mm socket to fit over.

Besides, I can barely get my hand in there from above, and its not much better from below, no where to swing a hammer!
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How bad is the leak? It's an old car, as long as it's not pouring out I'd just leave it... lol
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(26-09-2015, 05:32 PM)Toms306 Wrote: How bad is the leak?  It's an old car, as long as it's not pouring out I'd just leave it... lol

Its a leak Tom, needs to be fixed! Don't wanna be topping it up all the time!
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You wont be topping it up all the time if its only a small dribble... There are different degrees of leak! I've had most of them. lol

Of course you could've just bought one with a DPF, whenever mine starts getting low it fails a regen to top up the oil with a bit of diesel, excellent system... Itwasntme
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Is it definitely 27mm?

Pretty sure I have a 27mm spanner (plus a f*ck off adjustable) and possibly some very large sockets (although they aren't deep ones)

What tool do you actually need and I can drop it over.
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Forums say its 27mm, but the socket doesnt fit over it!

Cant actually see it, maybe the socket is pressing against the turbo and not going on straight.

Not wholly convinced ill be able to get a spanner on it, but if you don't mind i'll give it a go!
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Hi bud, hope it's happening for you with the jeep!
Was wondering have you got any experience with Nissan terranos? My bro just bought my 13 year old nephew a 2.7TD 98 R terrano 2 with the chunkiest tires I seen for a long while (bigass sidewall tread!)

£500 just had clutch, moted for 9 m, has rot in the sills but apparently you can't get them now! :-( mk5 escort ones are supposed to be close but wouldn't fancy the job tbh!

This jeep is for knocking about the farm so won't be seeing the road again anytime soon but his last 4x4, a "GIANT edition" W 2000 black rav 4 2.0 petrol with low miles and it might be coming up for sale if you know anyone who might fancy a starter 4x4??? Only been used half a dozen times since he got it 4 months ago
Tank straps snapped so off the offroad lol for past 6 weeks!
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Alas no redordead. Im not a 4x4 enthusiast. Just bought it for shits and giggles
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update, just got under there, sensor is recessed into the engine, so its a socket or nothing.

Back together it goes and looks like ill be leaking oil over Beds, bucks and herts for the forseeable!
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needs pics tbh.
need a part number? and will sort you out.
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Why not clean it up and then cover it in the black oil and fuel resistant silicone. Problem solved.
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need to check it again, slightly concerned it may be the intercooler leaking instead.
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