Dturbo first project

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Dturbo first project
Right finally decided to do a project thread might be abit slow and up may contain alot of waffling.
soooo last winter after much thought and many recommendations, i decided to ditch my (in hindsight perfectly healthy and very good if not abit/very bouncy) 206 hdi           and after a lovely 10 hour round road trip with my step brother i had this badboi             unfortunately k14 and Lucas.
first job when i got back was the thermostat Smile that's fine no problem and halfords air filter because it was just a open inlet before. 
then i find out the fricken bloody axles gone grrrr oh well an excuse to go discs, sooo against all recommendations i found a scrappy and got an axle and 4 cyclones £150 waahooooo until i took my car to a mates to do the work, where i hit my sump on his track Angry I stripped my old axle off where i also had to cut the brake lines ( amateur hour) and found out the scrappy axle was buggered as well. 
soo ordered my gti refurb axle transferred all the brake bits. took it to the garage just oppersite my mates where they said they would do the lines (took them near 2 months). 
i didnt know about the brake comp and one of the bearing hubs off the old axle was non abs WTF sooo that was a verryyy exciting drive. 2 months later got my car away from the god forsaken place and back home where i replaced the sump and bearing hub (both free Smile ) in college. 

now on to the the real shit, went splits on a doner car with my brother (who has a hdi) so we got a Bosch pump, GTI rear axle for him (although realized it was HDI half way through the swap), D8a engine, fresh Lucas, T2, HDI box and panther clutch, GTI brakes, FMIC and finally a set of cyclones with toyo r1's  also for him.

fitted the brakes
tuned my Lucas not to bad 180 deg max fuel, 1ish turn on the comp getting 19PSI which all in all meant i could just about stay in front of brothers remapped hdi. 
ive stripped every thing off the doner car ready for the engine swap leaving the HDI box on and going to put the bosch pump on then swap it all in a oner. then do the FMIC
ive ordered gti struts with 40mm lowering springs and a front ARB
any thoughts or recommendations? tyres? 
also i have a large amount of random bits and bobs of this car if anyone wants anything 

Jobs done
boost gauge, GTI axle, tune, GTI brakes, decat
Jobs to do
Refurb Cyclones, front suspension, GTI front ARB, good tyres, HDI box, engine swap, FMIC, Bosch pump, Strut brace, box mounted blower, stronger internals
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*Usual get Bosch on comment*

Got any pictures of the project?

A Lucas wound as far as it can go (were you either hit the stop or have to wind it back because it wont start), with a K14 wound all the way in should give a remapped HDi a run for its money. Assuming it's a stage 1 remap and you're running a better air filter and a less restrictive-than stock exhaust.

Recommendation for tyres: Vredestein SportRac 5's or Michelin PilotSport 3's. I've had both, similar price, but PS3's are a bit better on corner entry.

Good luck with it!
3 x Peugeot owner.

1996 106.
1996 306 D Turbo S.
1994 Mercedes Benz 320E.
1997 306 GLX.

Subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheADKJD/videos
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so got some  pics of my car as it was, could do with a clean but in wales it just doesnt last long. would also like to lower the rear abit more but will see how it sits after i put the new struts on 
alloys are all abit ragged incl one thats buckled long term looking to replace maybe for some 307 hdi 16" ideal the ones with centre caps
(brake pads fell out and did horrific damage to the alloys)
pretty basic interior would like to either find some black pillars all round, unfortunatly the ones on the doner which are black are a different shape being 5dr
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wellllllll struts and arb arrived so decided to give it a crack also changing the drive shafts. well its been an eventful day

about half way and everything going great 
shortly after and its out all a complete unit as the drive shafts wouldnt come out of the hubs
next was putting the ARB in. dropped the rear of the sub frame slackened the front left then the front rig..... ohh dear
and thats why. luckily ive got a whole car of spares Smile
after wrestling with a droplink and wish bone i ended up blowing my knucles up and brusing all my fingers, this is where it started to go down hill, started to get dark, the flying f*ckers came out in full force which caused us both to get royally pissed and call it a day
so tomorrow will have to try again. All that's left though is connect droplinks and track rod ends (anyone got a good way to tighten them up because they tend to spin when you tighten them), top up gearbox fluid, then refit brakes and wheels wahoooooo 
(sorry if its abit pic heavy)
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good lad for effort!

it will be worth it... well it it poos a conrod Tongue
Wishes for more power...
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Cheers piggy. I'm hoping I've got abit longer till that happens, plus next jobs stick the D8a block in (told its abit stronger) what boost can the standard rods take??
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Whereabouts in wales are you fella Smile if your not too far i would always be willing to come lend a hand Big Grin

Keep cracking at it though! Any plans with bodywork? i think a nice ph3 bumper and some ph3 sideskirts would transform the look of the car Smile
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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Epic injury pic lol You're heading in the right direction mate, you need that Bosch on for more power, also a decat pipe is about £17 last I looked on car parts for less or ECP, that will give more power straight away, keep on with it Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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(25-06-2015, 08:17 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote: Whereabouts in wales are you fella Smile if your not too far i would always be willing to come lend a hand Big Grin

Keep cracking at it though! Any plans with bodywork? i think a nice ph3 bumper and some ph3 sideskirts would transform the look of the car Smile
 Ight Matt yea that would be fantasic, I'm down in Pembrokeshire what about you?
Would love to do abit with the body, definitely sideskirts although I wasn't aware you got them on 3drs. I've been umming and arhhhing with the bumper this ones now started to grow on me :/ although it is cracked so if something pops up. Also I know it's pointless but would like a liittle spoiler something like the 206 just something to change shape of the rear but that's low priority.

(25-06-2015, 08:24 AM)Mattcheese31 Wrote: Epic injury pic lol You're heading in the right direction mate, you need that Bosch on for more power, also a decat pipe is about £17 last I looked on car parts for less or ECP, that will give more power straight away, keep on with it Smile

Got the Bosch ready to go on the d8a ready for swap and brought a decat pipe but didn't fit it with the new law, instead smashed the cat through Smile
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D8A being stronger is all hearsay. It's all chance whether it throws a rod or not.
3 x Peugeot owner.

1996 106.
1996 306 D Turbo S.
1994 Mercedes Benz 320E.
1997 306 GLX.

Subscribe! - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheADKJD/videos
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looks good,

as for droplinks stick a jack underneath them and keep the pressure on.

Buzz gun helps tbh.
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A few tedious hours later and she's done Smile Smile And man was it worth it just gotta drop the back a little bit now 
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a little update. 
after being stranded on the m5 a 2am due to this little bastard
managed to get towed to my final location, where my step brother saved my ass yet again by posting down the throttle shaft from the doner cars lucas pump. quick pump head off job and shes a good'en 

now for the next chapter. days after getting back from Cornwall I'm bimbling about and something in the gearbox goes clunk, pop and grind. i suspect release bearing shes still drivable.... just although its scary when you cant get in gear and come to a stop on a blind bend s this has forced my hand to do the hdi box swap which has apparently got a panther clutch so guess allso good and seeing as the car is so stripped down already

i think im going to swap the engine as well, stick the Bosch pump on and do the FMIC. so whilest this my take a bit of time i think it going to be worth it.
but i dont know much about the engine apart from 120k and looks pretty tidy. cambelt looks new, glow plugs look new, it turns over (by hand) without meeting any resistance well i say that it gets tough then turns easy 4 times per turn so i assume its the compression in the pump or block. 
there is abit of misty oil in the intake, i know its fairly normal but any suggestion as to what to check make sure its not serious?
there also abit of oil on the block which someone had suggested was blow-back out of the dipstick (im not convinced) but when i check the oil which looks fairly fresh although still black came up a few inches past the markers, this got me abit worried im not sure if its because its on a funky angle, contaminated or overfilled (surely not) but will investigate.
anything else i should check? what seals should i replace? do i need to replace both the seals in the injectors or can i just do the copper ones (cant find the other ones)? should i hire a crane? local ones are expensive but will if recommended thinking of where to put the engine when working on it out of the car.
cheers guys will update when ii get started.
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would of liked to get more and better quality photos but my main magic photo device broke Sad managed to get a couple of days in working on my car between work. first day was pretty rubbish managed to strip the bumper, radiators etc and drain all the fluids but that was about it.
the second day, went with abit more enthusiasm and an engine hoist, a few hours later we had engine number 1 out wahoo 
getting dark but decided to power through as i didn't want to have to pay for the hoist for 3 extra days till i could next use it. in the end engine number 2 was out and in my car. so come stupid o'clock called it a wrap.
now for the issues which will be Tuesdays challenge; 
  • seems like the flexi brake line thread that goes into the calliper must of cracked as it was leaking abit (fricking hate brake lines) 
  • struggling to get at least one of the fire shields for the injectors out (not the copper ones) ive tried picking at it with various things but its a stubborn one and i dont want to get anything in the engine. any suggestions??
  • the cambelt auto tensioner is seized where the spring bit is, so removed it then put the belt on and refitted it all seems good but there is abit of slack between the fuel pump and cam pulley MAYBE not enough to slip a tooth
  • finally the pump. its all abit of a mess with the wiring as the engine was Bosch then botch job lucased the black and blue plugs and a random one were all taped together with only the wires needed for lucas exposed am i right in thinking it all i need is the red live from the black plug to the stop solenoid.
looking at mine it has a green wire going to the solenoid and a orange wire to something else can i just cut the green and fuse it with a live. also has anyone got some photos of their pumps so i can see what the fuel feed, throttle cable ect are like
cheers guys
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another update its now been a long long long time without my car and its taken its toll on me mentally im now starting to hate the pug.
i replaced the brake line which meant re routing it because i was not gunna get round the power steering lines. 
fitted the pump, fuel lines, injectors, heat shields and copper washers i found by taking a flat head to the stubborn heat shields and giving it a sharp whack broke the seal.
i fitted the intercooler etc originally using metal piping but then realised i completely forgot about the coolant reservoir so found i could use the spare turbo to intercooler hoses
first start..... nothing removed the solenoid found it was seized cleaned that up tried again still nothing kept cranking eventually fired into life but then cut it off quick because i had no coolant
second attempt after a long day doing the final bits started and it ran away like a bitch Sad  from what darren posted somewhere im thinking its the governor weights so gunna whip the head off and see if i can free it up in situ 
any tips or advice? 
hopefully that'll get fixed then will be back on the road although i discovered abit a serious rust which will fail the next MOT ill get a photo when im next down see what anyone thinks.
also could someone move this to the 306 project section
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What in fcuks name is that in the pump?
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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Hmmmm which bit you referring to??
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The spring. Thats not right. Usually a governor in that spot.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Yeah, what is that pump from?
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I see what your saying bash and not sure what the pumps off I just searched Bosch ve but I assume it's the gov weights will be in the same place
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(07-09-2015, 12:24 PM)blinkyeatu Wrote: I see what your saying bash and not sure what the pumps off I just searched Bosch ve but I assume it's the gov weights will be in the same place

It's not the governor weights I'd be concerned about, it's the different design of governor cradle.
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If you dont know what the pumps off your asking for trouble fitting it to a 306.
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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Guys this isn't my pump I just got a picture off Google for reference.
is the gov fly weights in the same place? can it just be popped out like that?
I should of been a lot clearer
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For anyone that's interested that spring is a single stage govener rather than the two stage type we have in 306 pumps
Cherry red 205 XUD VNT - Project thread here http://306oc.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?tid=25522
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i managed to free up the gov weights which stopped it running away but now it just idles like a bag of sh*t and pumps out blue smoke when i press the throttle so looks like im gunna get a seal kit and strip and clean the bugger. anyone know what the pumps specific model is  or got a link to the kits?
to be fair it looks absolutely disgusting in there
also heres a link to it running
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well i think its time i did another updated.
i eventually decided to through my car back to together (still running awful) see how far i got to driving it home would the be alot easier to work on. all went well.
brought a seal kit (turns out they sent the wrong one) and stripped the pump down to be cleaned.

    learnt a lot. some bits in there were pretty grim but nothing that would suggest it would run like it did  Dodgy
it then dawned on me that last year in college we were trying to fix a Mitsubishi of some kind with a Bosch pump, exhibiting the exact same symptoms. 
now then spoke to the diesel fogie  (who fixed it) and by god did he know how to waffle so i knew it would be risky but tried asking for an 11mm pump head, he could not comprehend the idea of modifying a fuel pump said it wouldn't work so i gave up. but what he did say is the Mitsubishi was just a couple of teeth out of time soooo back to the drawing board.
finished the pump and gave it a lick of paint to make it look oh so pretty 
only had one bit left over which is good going right?.........
    anyone got any ideas? 
just about to put the pump back in the car try turning it over by hand and it jams....
stipped it down another couple of times and realised i had snapped the flux capacitor and warped one of the stability drives *bollocks*
    (new bits on its way)
by now im pretty fed up with it all, so moved on to the less important details starting with masking the lights.
first of all how big are your ovens i could only just fit one light in at a stupid angle. after a while of struggling with the sticky stuff i got them both free (could of maybe gone hotter for longer but didnt want to risk it)
next task sand them down and what a pig, after trying to get every single bit of chrome of the fronts i decided F it That'll Do and took to spaying them. 
this was were it all went wrong. do it inside i thought. itll be fine i thought. oooh how wrong i was. HOW DOES IT GO SO FAR!!!
either way pretty pleased with the results
not looking forward to scrapping the rest of the crud.
next immediate jobs on the agenda:
put lights back together
tint tail lights slightly 
tint fogs yellow
fit some night breakers and LED sides
drop the back another 20mm 
ooh and probably try and get my car running at some point
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