Xbox 360 elite (120gb) perfect working order..

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For Sale: Xbox 360 elite (120gb) perfect working order..
£80 posted £70 collection (or pugfest) 

as title says,  XBOX 360 elite 120gb in ltd edition black (when it was limited edition) with two elite controllers and one headset. 
Black, no RRoD, not banned or chipped, completely standard


Various guitar hero games, 
Forza 3, and 4 (limited edition)
a few others including fable. 

All cables and power leads (including HDMI and RGB/composite)
Original headset (for controller)

TWO controllers, one black and one lime green
Guitar Hero Guitar controller

Will be in original box. 

er.. I probably forgot something, will update as needed.

PM me if you're interested,  money via Paypal of course, and can bring to pugfest if required (payment in advance)  

this isnt my picture, but its in PRESTINE condition, and the same as the one below

[Image: d6828285abe35209ef8550a1c7cf6b1ao.jpg]
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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I really shouldn't but if you still have this when its nearer pugfest I'll prob take it off your hands
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in no hurry to sell mate, you have a PM
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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