Gear box oil 306 hdi

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Gear box oil 306 hdi
Hello whar gear box oil grade needed for the 306 hdi?

Also how much litres?

I can see the drain plug on the bottom. But where the top up plug for the gear box?

How many miles do the gear box oil need changing?

Also its best to do the top up oil first incase it dont open of course.

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Can't remember what grade oil, 85 rings a bell, but i'd check that if i were you.

Make sure the car's level, pull out the level-plug on the side and put something under it, then pour oil into the filler until you get a trickle out of the level hole.

Think it's around 36k off the top of my head, again worth checking.

Top-up plug is on top of the box, need to remove the airbox to get a good look.

Don't understand that last bit.

Tip for the day: Buy yourself a haynes ffs lol Tongue (no offence)
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Its either 75/80 or 85/90 cant remember which, but doesnt relly matter, just go to pug and ask for 2ltrs of gearbox oil
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Correct oil is 75w 80.
[Image: brokendown-1-1-1.jpg]

Dturbo GT2259s build thread;

Daily driver; 330d Msport (doesn't blow up!)
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Ive got a haynes manual but like coming on the forum to make conversations.

I mainly use the manual wen in depth or big jobs.
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Hahaha, alright smart-arse, you come on here to be sociable, i come on here to be a grumpy old man, swings and roundabouts innit. Tongue

Fair play fella, although personally I use it the other way around. I find their info on little jobs is usually easy to find and understand, whereas for the bigger jobs... i find feedback from people who have done it before and are available to answer questions is a bit more valuable then. For example, the haynes gives me the instruction to "carefully pop out the balljoint", which turns out bears absolutely f*ck all relation to what you have to do to actually separate a balljoint on a 306 lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I know where the drain plug is for the gear box oil. I tool the air filter of to have a look were the top up plug is but cant see were.

[Image: DSC01332.jpg]
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I usually use the reverse light switch, 22mm spanner to take it out
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Welshy_Pete Wrote:I know where the drain plug is for the gear box oil. I tool the air filter of to have a look were the top up plug is but cant see were.

[Image: DSC01332.jpg]

Right to find the filler (its a breather too)

Look at the clutch arm, above that is a white electrical plug, then a white blob, draw a straight line through them and follow that line backwards and youll see a black plastic nut, thats the one you want. dosent need to be done up tight.
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As above, can see the edge of it behind that wiring i think.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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2 litres of EP75W/80 and i usually fill it from the reverse light switch
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The drain plug needs a sqaure socket but wat size is that? Its not a allen key shape or torx.

Also any links to the one I need to get?

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Welshy_Pete Wrote:The drain plug needs a sqaure socket but wat size is that? Its not a allen key shape or torx.

Also any links to the one I need to get?


Nonononono, IIRC the HDi doesnt have a level bung, so empty the old oil out COMPLETELY and then put 2ltrs of oil in.

The square in the drain plug is 1/4"
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Connor Wrote:
Welshy_Pete Wrote:The drain plug needs a sqaure socket but wat size is that? Its not a allen key shape or torx.

Also any links to the one I need to get?


Nonononono, IIRC the HDi doesnt have a level bung, so empty the old oil out COMPLETELY and then put 2ltrs of oil in.

The square in the drain plug is 1/4"

Ive been looking for a square 1/4 but keep finding 50p hex. Anybody know on ebay the correct name or link for some?
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anything 1/4" will work, Being a mechanic I have a bung key set, but you dont need that, a simple 3/8-1/4 step will work fine
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Really Connor? Must be getting it confused with something else then i guess... :?

You'll find 1/4" square section inside most household door handles... Wink Is it not just a 22mm hex head?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I dont know, my experience of the HDi is mainly on the Experts and they definitely dont have level bungs
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Ive got all the sockets and allen keys you mainly need. But this sqaure one diffrent none will fit there either to small or to big.
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Its a 1/4" hole
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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I found this and it shows were the top up is. Also were the level plug is as well. I found were the level plug was cause alot of people thought there wasn't one.

[Image: hdigearboxfiller1.jpg]
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Hahah, owned Connor. :p

Pete, if you've got an old 1/4" drive bit without the ball bearing, use that. Or, pull the dowel out of one of the doors in your house to use that. Or use an adjustable spanner. Do something, anything! Ignoring other people's help will just mean people won't help next time lol.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Poodle Wrote:Hahah, owned Connor. :p

Pete, if you've got an old 1/4" drive bit without the ball bearing, use that. Or, pull the dowel out of one of the doors in your house to use that. Or use an adjustable spanner. Do something, anything! Ignoring other people's help will just mean people won't help next time lol.
Think you should re read my last post lol clearly said i didn't know, only that the experts didn't have them Wink
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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old engine oil ftw
[Image: 22f2b6b2-758b-4c1c-96fb-6fa9c6059b13_zpsf306b56b.jpg]
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Pfff, excuses excuses, i still win. lol
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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I done the job it was very easy in the end. The gear changes are nice and smooth now a big diffrence like new.

thanks for the help everybody.
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Just to bump this, is the filler the black one with the wee plastic bit on top or is it the one with the square drive in it on the side?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Ive always used the reverse light switch on top of the box, whip the air box out and then its a 22mm
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Which one is the reverse light switch? And do I need to check the level plug or just throw the whole 2 litres in?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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Take the airbox off and itll be starring you in the face Smile yeah I just chucked in 2 bottles lol the correct level is 1.899999 or some bollocks, but itll do Tongue
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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I have it off lol. Is it the one above the white circle plug on the pic on up the page?
[Image: 20gh7o0.jpg]
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