Ban on Car Cruises in midlands..

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Ban on Car Cruises in midlands..
Hi All,

Can people join this page on facebook, as a judge has banned car cruises and car meets in the midlands, if two or more people are parked in a public space i think it said they get fined.. anyway we are not all boy racers but car enthuiastics, ( might have spelt it wrong), we have over 1000 members atm, and again im not the creater for this page, the name of the page is: PETITION TO LIFT THE UK CAR CRUISE BAN NATIONWIDE. Thank You.
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The Black PH3 Angel
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Where's this new piece of legislation written?
Matt-Rallye Wrote:Norledge for prime minister.
Poodle Wrote:I reckon Norledge has got it on the head mind.
Matt-Rallye Wrote:Norledge gets my vote tbh.
Thanks given by: Jimmy306uk
In truth. I support it for the most part, perhaps 2 cars is a bit tight but I can't really see the police getting involved if you aren't causing a bother. Which based on the 306ocs meets if very much true, the fairly recent Yorkshire one was most pleasant and we spent most of the time in the pub having a drink and a chat. Not revving the engines or proving whose edge speakers are louder.
Half the people bitching on facebook are saying "oh well where will we race now?" "they should give us a drag strip or somewhere abandoned to go"
No they shouldn't! The government has more important things to spend its money on than giving you somewhere to rev the tits of your 1.2l corsa just because they can't be asked to spend the money going to a proper car show like the rest of us.

Retro rides in Sheffield was good, good quality cars and people who had a genuine interest in both yours and their cars. Unfortunlety the chavs found it and raced around on the streets outside so it got shut down, I don't blame them for shutting it down as it was unsightly/noisy. I'm still furious at the chavs who ruined it though as the pub took a chance on us only for them to damage the car owners and possibly the pubs reputation.

In short
"cruises" should be banned.
Club meets where you know all the people attending are okay.
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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When I've done club meets in the past it's not the club folks causing the trouble. When you have trouble makers they tend not to get invited back and asked to leave.
it's the members of the public that come across you in random cars and wanna race or something equally stupid.
In my years going to static meets and going on drives, I've seen 3 crashes where the club members were driving quite normally and an outsider being a cock took them out.

I agree with Steve.
Club meets are organised and people have a common interest.
Cruises are about showing off and bragging with something to prove.

The later might mix with the former, but typically there is consent on all sides and control.
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they cracked down on cruises in sunderland a few years ago, in fact you don't see any boy racers knocking about the town centre anymore, as they used to. The police had a right old crack down, shame as it was funny to take the piss out of them!
They used to piss about down south shields area, wheel spinning etc, When we had our 306 meet some years ago, we had a bit of drive to South shields as it was different, we all parked up together, and the camera that was watch, the boy racers, clocked down on us, saw that we were a all one make meet, and that was it. The camera filmed every single boy racer going around the car park. So that might have been the start of the crack down. As not long after that, there wasn't a cruise.
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its a completely pointless new thing. If you are a bystander or just there you cant do anything. You have to be driving a car for it to come into force. Its essentially to stop people hooning round roundabouts etc. I dont know why they felt the need to have this ruling when you can already be done for dangerous driving etc. There are plenty of laws to cover this already so this doesnt really change anything. Standard media.
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(03-12-2014, 01:55 PM)SRowell Wrote: its a completely pointless new thing. If you are a bystander or just there you cant do anything. You have to be driving a car for it to come into force. Its essentially to stop people hooning round roundabouts etc. I dont know why they felt the need to have this ruling when you can already be done for dangerous driving etc. There are plenty of laws to cover this already so this doesnt really change anything. Standard media.

what they did with the sunderland/ north east lot, the old bill threatened to take the cars details and fine them if they were spotted driving about the town centre,
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I don't believe that because you are associated with car cruising you would be banned from driving on your own through town. It would never stand up in court.
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(03-12-2014, 02:42 PM)SRowell Wrote: I don't believe that because you are associated with car cruising you would be banned from driving on your own through town. It would never stand up in court.

that's true, probably said to shittin up the boyracers.
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(03-12-2014, 02:42 PM)SRowell Wrote: I don't believe that because you are associated with car cruising you would be banned from driving on your own through town. It would never stand up in court.

perhaps not fine, but what is the anti social use of the car thing they can use to tow it then charge you for doing so?
effectively a fine. Has anyone successfully claimed a refund?
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They did that at wakey one night when chavs were showing off and being stupid, stopped every single car at the exit and told them if they was gonna come back they would take the car off them...good luck with that officer haha
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I used to like cruises tbh, loads of different cars and people I knew but wouldn't otherwise have seen etc.

But then the old guys with expensive cars started turning up and making a lot of noise and mess drifting and dragging. In the end there had to be so much police presence it stopped being worth it. Getting chucked out of a town centre multi-storey because of an old bastard with an Imprezza waking up the old peoples home was the last time I went. Only takes a small minority to ruin it for everyone else and its rarely the teenagers in saxos from what I've seen.
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I think it you're seen to not be causing a bother the Police will use discretion and leave you alone.

My first ever car meet was one night with 106Owners. About 10 106's, all of us standing about having a chat. There were some bellends not associated with us that wanted to tear around the multi-storey we were standing in, Police turned up, Section 59'd them. Came over to us, said they could see we were being sensible and causing no harm so they'd leave us be.
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2 things. Firstly, a judge can't just make up a law like that. I would be interested to see the written legislation on this as i can guarantee its uneducated arseholes making a lot of assumptions because apparently the police hate all modified car owners which isn't true.
Secondly, the police have been cracking down on cruises and meets for a long time but you need to take this with a pinch of salt. The people that moan because they have had a meet broken up are the sort that do 40 in a 20 and slag the police off because they got a speeding ticket yet they don't realise its them thats stupid for getting caught and doing it in the first place!
If you are being peaceful, respectful to locals and people passing and driving sensibly and courteously, the police will leave you alone. If however you are sitting in mcdonnalds revving your engine, playing music stupidly loud into the early hours and driving like a tit, you will get a fine and get moved on.

The other thing you need to remember is most meets are in car parks which are privately owned and you are only allowed permission to park there if you are a customer of the landlords Tennant. If you're not, you are trespassing. This needs to be taken into account with meets. The big one that keeps popping up is the Essex Cruise at blue water. Ive recently seen a petition going around Facebook trying to get people to sign to get the meet back at bluewater yet has no one realised its private land?!

Take it all with a pinch of salt and don't be drawn in by the hype. All the people moaning are mostly chavvy wankers. All of those sensible people who have taken 5 minutes to read into it would realise it won't affect you if you're not doing anything wrong!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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plus, in addition to what niall said, i know coppers around here that i have had a good long chat with ABOUT my car... they, for the most part, respect the fact that its modified nicely, and realise and understand that because its modified its much much much more likely to be taxed, inssured, and completely road legal with all mods declared and 4 good tyres in great condition..

there is a difference between a boy racer and enthusiast.

there was a heavy police presence at the Newport meet ht eother day.. they were dealing with the retards and arseholes that were ragging around, and actrively engaging with the owners of the nice cars (JDM honda anyone? - sorry i know I KNOW) and having a good bit of banter as well..
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Yep the police have turned up to Ace and had a wander around speaking to people about their cars on several occasions.
Im a firm believer that if you treat them with respect, they will you but treat them like shit just because they are an image of authority and they will make your life hard...and rightly so.
Don't break the law and they can't do anything to you. Break the law and of course they are going to shut down meets! And rightly so. Its about time the car enthusiast scene was separated from the cruise chavvy saxo scene!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Wishes for more power...
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(03-12-2014, 07:18 PM)toseland Wrote: there was a heavy police presence at the Newport meet ht eother day.. they were dealing with the retards and arseholes that were ragging around, and actrively engaging with the owners of the nice cars (JDM honda anyone? - sorry i know I KNOW) and having a good bit of banter as well..

Where was this? Lol
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they had 3-4 units on the bypass, few driving around in the unmarked scooby and 335 they have, couple of my friends were on duty tasked over on the M4
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Back in the mid-90s I used to go down to Weston Super Mare for the Sunday night cruise with a couple of mates and it used to be a good evening - parking up on the seafront, wander down the cars checking them all out and maybe heading into town for the arcades/chips. Never really had any problems except the odd person doing a burnout between the speed bumps.

A few years later this section of seafront was closed off by gates and you just ended up with people racing around the one way system, parking in the supermarket carpark or blocking up Maccy'Ds...

Motorbike cops are usually real bikers as well, and I'm pretty sure a lot of traffic officers can appreciated a well modified car, so why not allow the cruises to happen in an area - like at WSM seafront - where the cars can be contained and the police can have a wander around checking out the cars "advising" owners where necessary ?
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(03-12-2014, 08:52 PM)DavidA Wrote: Motorbike cops are usually real bikers as well, and I'm pretty sure a lot of traffic officers can appreciated a well modified car, so why not allow the cruises to happen in an area - like at WSM seafront - where the cars can be contained and the police can have a wander around checking out the cars "advising" owners where necessary ?

They will! If they are serious, sensible groups of people who aren't going to cause any issues. A lot of Cruises are filled with people who drive like complete dicks and usually create havoc for the locals.
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Wow theres alot of shit in this thread.

I had a chat about this with someone earlier and I reckon people are panicking over nothing.

I'll start by saying that I haven't actually seen this is writing so its speculation on my behalf as to what's actually happening.

It would appear that the councils have applied for an anti social behaviour injunction, this is under new legislation that only came into force a couple of months ago to tackle ASB. Sadly I was pretty much asleep throughout the training on it. In the press it has said 2 cars from gathering in public between 3pm and 7am but that is preposterous, there needs to be some further terms on that surely as what If I go out and meet my little sister at a restaurant for dinner and we both drive and meet in the car park?

Also public place is a funny one as Santa Pod is technically a public place as any member of public who wants to can turn up and pay to get in however if we had a retail car park we were allowed to have a meet in overnight and only let in people from the club (with someone standing on the gate or similar) then that normally public car park would become a private place as you are only allowing entry to a certain section or group not general public.

Also I'd suggest that if they can't find the police officers to deal with it with the pre existing laws then they aren't going to do any better with this. They used a dispersal order (s30 ASBA 2003) to stop Enfield cruise rather effectively. There is also conspiracy to cause a public nuisance and a whole raft of road traffic laws (that also apply in public places), s59 warnings (s59 PRA 2002) and even the public order act of 1984. If you cant find something out of that lot to start getting rid of cruisers then the chances are they probably aren't going to be upsetting anyone.

Also if you are talking about a cruise of 250 people and they want to be difficult then you'll need at least 500 officers to fix it and nowhere has space for 500 prisoners. That and I think the ECHR might have something to say if you were arrested for meeting up with some friends and get arrested and imprisoned when you haven't actually upset anyone as if you believe the horror stories thats whats going to happen.
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Can we just ban facebook instead? It's where all the fucktards gather and bang heads, without the internet they'll go back to being merely local idiots.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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But how will I know if that guy who I didn't really care about in school is having a crappy day with incredibly vague details?
[Image: mcetg0.png]

ZR VVC Homebrew mapping project:
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Don't get rid of Facebook, it's a vital tool that you can use to work out who among your friends is the most retarded.
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My first car meet was down strood in kent, it was actually good where all of us was parked up etc, there was police there wandering around, that night went well except when someone came into the car park drifting and a 206 doing burnouts, the police knew it wasnt us and went after he 206, the other car got told he wasnt welcomed anymore, few weeks ago a fiesta rolled his car at the entrance, they nearly closed it down, as for cruises, we all cruise together in pne lane doing the same speed, then one person came speeding along us on which we didnt know who he was, last saturday at the paul walker event, there was over a hundred cars all parked up no engine revving loud music blasting but when a nissan skyline came into the meet he started revving his engine popping flames doing wheelspins ect, luckly it didnt cause no one to leave, no police on site as they knew who we was and for the past events they knew we dont cause harm, i will put up a link for whats happening ect..
[Image: Cropped%20pic.png]
The Black PH3 Angel
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This is the ban cruise news,

Here is a petition for the Public Space Protection Order 2014,
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The Black PH3 Angel
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Sort your sig out.
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(05-12-2014, 11:37 PM)bigcheez2k3 Wrote: Sort your sig out.

Will sort it when i get home as im not on a pc..
[Image: Cropped%20pic.png]
The Black PH3 Angel
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