Lost the love and need some help/inspiration :(

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Lost the love and need some help/inspiration :(
As the title really. Just lost the love for the supercharged monster lately.

Firstly there's time, I'm working stupid hours of the day, can be anywhere in the country with a days notice as well as balancing time with my little girl.

Cash, wages are very tight at the moment so spending money for shiny things is very limited.

Niggly things, this is what has added up really. First was the rev counter (which still doesnt work, then the temp gauge died. The bodywork has lots of little dings and the bonnet needs painting. Gear linkages have been a problem until a couple of weeks ago when I chopped them up and replaced with a rose joint. Rear pads are now down to the bone. Slight oil leak still from oil filter sandwich plate. Still need to spend money on more mikalor clamps as I keep blowing boost pipes off.

Just fixed the gear linkage (finished quite late at night) and left the bloody wiring loom for the glowplug relay section just touching the down pipe. FAIL!!! This obviously melted through after about 5 miles and left me broken down on the dual carriageway.

The mot ran out last week, to get it through a water bottle will definitely be needed for the wipers (standard one had to be removed to make way for IC pipes). Rear pads and oil leak sorting. Not sure about emissions???

All in I just can't enjoy the car at all Sad I have waiting to go on a complete engine rebuild of the spare block which will include a skimmed head and tested head(done). Victor Reinz head gasket. Full head set. ARP head studs (purchased). For the block I have nearly paid for a set of Forged rods (ZX volcane, you are a legend!!) still to get shells and rings as well as get the block honed and the deck faced. New oem crank seals for both ends (purchased)

Strongly considering getting rid at the moment, either breaking or for a trade of some sort for a Stage 3/Stage 2+ Hdi so I can enjoy driving it. At least this way the project can stay with someone who will have the love/time/money to give this car what it needs. All in she owes me thousands and I'm just really struggling to justify keeping it at the moment.

However!!!! When it goes, it bloody goes!!!! The noise from the thing is purely pornographic, turns heads everywhere! Smiles per gallon in this is epic!! The pull from the engine in every gear is biblical, drives like nothing I've driven before! Below are pics of how she is today and a short video of the last time the boost hose blew off, when I actually bother to get the stinking camera out eh!!!! lol

So essay over! Helppppppp!!!!


Video to follow you tube taking ages

Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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Keep it, every car will have niggly little problems with it, atleast you know this one inside out. And on the days when the problems arent there, it will all be worth it.
[Image: sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg]
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(17-09-2014, 07:08 PM)Slam Wagon Wrote: Keep it, every car will have niggly little problems with it, atleast you know this one inside out. And on the days when the problems arent there, it will all be worth it.

TBH even when the days the problems are there, its worth it..

that sound...

just go out, get it on an RR, with a box of tissues and a tub of copper grease and you're away lol
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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take a break from developing the car, as you end up going nuts!
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Sorn it for a year. Put a cover over it and just wait untill it starts poking it cheeky head at you again.
I have a 6 month old girl now. And just brought it back on tje road after a 7 month sorn.
money is better now so the spending has started again.
If you swap or sell in a year you will just have to start all over again....
good luck, looks a lovely car.
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Is it a daily? If so, can you afford to pick up a shed to run as a daily and take this thing off the road for a bit?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Just take a bit of a break away from it buddy as has been said
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My old beast Tongue I say persevere, but then i would Tongue
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[Image: sigi-2.png]
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M<ake sure you rust proof it as best you can before you offroad it, its nasty how little moisture can eat away at a car.
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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As others have said, take a break from it. Buy something slow, shit and with as many niggles as possible... You'll soon want it back haha. Wink
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Cheers for the positive comments. And no its not a daily, got a shed of an hdi estate for that which as the previous owner never sent off the log book and the green slip has been lost since I moved house I can't tax it!! So I have 2 cars, both 306's which for very different reasons don't work!! Another part of the recent hate I suppose.

As it stands it will probably need another 500 quid thrown at it for the next engine build. Then the body work and Mot. Just can't see light at the end of the tunnel at all Sad
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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Tbh dude you wouldn't believe the issues I've had with mine over the last year and how close i have come to scrapping the bastard. Got me on a right downer before show season thinking what the f*ck have i wasted my money on but in the end, its totally worth it.

If you don't have the time or love, tuck it away in the corner of the drive and leave it for a bit then one sunday when your free and bored, you will go out, have a play with it, take it for a drive and remember why you didn't get rid!
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Big Grin that bay!!

i find looking at others or driving it gets the love back?
thought a few times with the gti non 6 why then i've driven it round the block etc and cracked back on
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Everything that is being said here is completely spot on, and its exactly the advice I would be giving others in the same situation. Problem is I want something I can enjoy now! lol

Hmmm, got some major soul searching to do me thinks..............
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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(17-09-2014, 10:34 PM)londondan86 Wrote: Everything that is being said here is completely spot on, and its exactly the advice I would be giving others in the same situation. Problem is I want something I can enjoy now! lol

Hmmm, got some major soul searching to do me thinks..............

just think, you built that 306 nobody else, if it wasn't for you lot, kept pushing me on, with the red metro, I would have gave up back in 2010!
look what I have now in the end, a more better, stronger car!
Just back off like I have said, and maybe do bits at a time, come back when you are on a mental high.
I know modified cars are hard to build and sort out, just to got to take a break from it.
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Im happy to help if ever its needed dude, your not a million miles away Smile

I came close too selling my rallye but just put it on the back burner for a while and ran my 300quid hdi! Now the rallye love has returned and its coming on great Big Grin keep with it even if its just parked up. And dont think of value because did you ever intend to save or make money on it? Probably not with a car such as this.
[Image: 17b33c2a-8471-4313-992e-0a4b324cf926_zps2e63812a.jpg]
Team Cyril
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You can't give up! This thing is a beast! And I haven't seen it yet!
[Image: 20A1806D-891D-40FB-BD52-AD519177A607-734...391753.jpg]
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It's not really physical help that is needed at the moment although the offer is very much appreciated. It's just the time/cash/love dilemma at the moment.
And no I don't ever expect to make half what I've put into it back just considering all options at the moment.
I think for now at least I will take the advice and shelf it for a bit then rethink after Xmas.
I have just acquired all 4 smoothed doors, the smoothed bootlid and bumper from my old white estate for the grand sum of 20 quid!! I do have a 2001 hdi estate at the moment, epic low tax smoothed win bus painted black??
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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Sell it to me Smile
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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What you offering? Lol
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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Can only echo whats been said really, if you're not feeling it at the moment take a break for a little while and park it up if you have the space.

but heavens above, the noise that charger makes - can't see you staying away from it for long
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Pm'd Smile
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(18-09-2014, 07:44 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: Can only echo whats been said really, if you're not feeling it at the moment take a break for a little while and park it up if you have the space.

but heavens above, the noise that charger makes - can't see you staying away from it for long

That is what I'm going to do for now chap. Just so frustrating that as soon as one thing works and you dare to have a cheeky smile.... boom!!! Something else bloody breaks
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

HDi Cabby Project Click
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Do you use it as a daily?

If not just get yourself a council garage for a few bob a week and lock it up. Then to help regain the love just concentrate on one job at a time. Week 1 fix rev counter, week 2 something else etc.

Biggest mistake of my life was selling my Clio project as i got exactly like you are feeling now. Now i got my 306 and just potter about in the garage doing small jobs.

Good luck with whatever path you choose.
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See my thread! lol

Constantly chasing things....but so close...and even with boost leak and fuel down its bloody scarey fast, even on Q roads...
Dont give up!!!
Wishes for more power...
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(18-09-2014, 09:12 PM)londondan86 Wrote:
(18-09-2014, 07:44 PM)zx_volcane Wrote: Can only echo whats been said really, if you're not feeling it at the moment take a break for a little while and park it up if you have the space.

but heavens above, the noise that charger makes - can't see you staying away from it for long

That is what I'm going to do for now chap. Just so frustrating that as soon as one thing works and you dare to have a cheeky smile.... boom!!! Something else bloody breaks

just a case of iron things out fella, I had a few problems with the Metro gta vvc, when I 1st put that on the road. Only way things have to ironed out, with the new 1.1s ( egg beater) I am still at that stage now, but upgrading more now, as the rest of the car has proven stable, ( as it was used in the 16v shell)
just don't give it hell yet until all is well.
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