XSI engine problem

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XSI engine problem
Long time since I've posted on here...

Having a bit of a problem with my XSI 2.0 8v with it being very unresponsive and bogging down.

Picture says a thousand words, maybe a video is better:

As you can see, open the throttle and some serious lag, gets worse when driving.
I'm thinking it could be the map sensor, but getting to it is proving to be fun!

Any other suggestions?

Cheers Smile
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My car had similar problems, has it ever died when you've put the clutch in whilst coming to a stop? Or die when left at idle for a while? Does it jump (as if you kicked the clutch) sometimes under acceleration? Answer a few of these and we might be able to a bit more accurate with our help.

Its usually the map sensor, or the idle control valve and sometimes a combination of both. The symptom you have would point to map, in my mind at least.

My car had a very similar problem, and once the map sensor was replaced it was fine. Granted mine was the Gti6, but they are similar engines and the problems are shared.

Try taking the map and ICV off and cleaning them with carb cleaner (or similar) sometimes this works, but in my experience its usually better to replace them as they will pack up after a while.

Best of luck Smile
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Thanks for the feedback Pebbles!

Idle is very lumpy (sounds almost like a rally car), but it's never died on me. On start up rev's to 2000, then settles at 900-1000.

Acceleration is as you wrote. I accelerate and say 2500 it's like I've dropped the clutch, no power nothing, then comes back kangaroo'in all over the place.
Very unpredictable when it happens, could do it at 2500, 1900, 2900 etc, but not over 4k - and it happens less and less until the cars warmed up.

I tend to just lift off and change gears when it happens.

Was going to take everything apart today, but yey to the rain!!

I am correct in thinking the picture is of the map?
Directly under the throttle-body as I can't find anything else that it might be.
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Sounds like the symptoms I had when my TPS went Pete Tong.

It soon developed into this:

Whip it off and see if its full of oil. If it is, stand up upside down overnight so the oil drains out. May help it a little. If not then it could need replacing.
[Image: car-1.jpg]

Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club

2000 Moonstone 1.8 Meridian - Sold
2000 China 3dr XS - Dead
1998 Diablo 3dr XSI
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If its over fueling massively and got an erstic idle its map sensor.
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Nice one fella's!
Hopefully no rain tomorrow and I'll have the whole lot apart for a clean Big Grin
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Finally get around to opening up the bonnet today...!

Hunted high-low for the damn map sensor, only after I took the throttle body off and started tracing back the connections did I find it hiding upside down, next to the fuel connectors by the suspension post...

[Image: IMAG0382.jpg]

problem found me thinks Big Grin
..just gotta fix it now!
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WOW...! Amazing what a clean and a pipe replacement can do to a car Big Grin
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