Difficult to start when warm

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Difficult to start when warm
I find I'm struggling to start the car at the moment when its' warm.

I say struggle, its' easier to start it when it's cold.

The starter sounds like it's about to die. Seems to turn over reasonably easy, but it sounds incredibly weak.
Anyone got a video where you can hear the starter ?

I don't wanna plumb for a new one if they are all this poor. Smile
Or rip it open to "fix" if it's not faulty.
It's like I'd need to have a decompression valve on the engine.
Am yet to check the advance solenoid is working....

Battery is new and a monster Bosch unit. Wiring is fine.
Even paralleled it to the starter and it made no difference.
Glows are even replaced.

Max fuel has been messed with (turned in to just before it revs up to 2K), as has the LDA.
When driving I get smoke just before the turbo kicks in, epic boost rise and then flat as a far past 3K tho it's pegged at 20psi till 4K. (T2 no wastegate control apparently tho aint checked it yet).
I've adjusted fuel backwards from when I bought it as it was over fueling off boost and warm idle adjust was difficult. Tho LDA wasn't rotated then Big Grin

Temps dont go above 80 ever. I need to check the thermostat and also the temp sensor. Fans do kick in when idling on the drive.

No guv mod done yet.
I suppose that's the next step and also I'll see about grabbing a LDA to grind it out at the weekend for better smoke control.
EGT on the list.
So much for just driving it and not playing with it. FFS other projects. Nospeak Tho finally some rolling veg is addictive after the passat.
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Well I watched some videos on youtube and it seems my starter might need replacing.

however now it's getting harder to start when cold and hunting a lot.
reading around the forum, it's quite possibly air problems.
The reason I got this was because of air issues on the passat Sad
So I've got all of that to check to get it to start right.

magic when running, chuggs when cold, over run smoking, hunting. Annoying.
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cold start advance solonoid fubar? (if you have one on your pump that is)
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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Going to have to take a look at that. I've been leaving it alone since it's currently the only car working.
With the colder weather (mornings) it's getting worse.
below 2K it's lumpy as fook.
If it's cold and I'm say in 2nd or 3rd under 2K, then it'll kangaroo with the lighted throttle.
have to change down else it wont pull away.

Solenoid has voltage. Will have to check for current as the first easy step.

Also it's smoking like a trooper on idle even when warm, but bringing up the revs a little perversely stops it smoking.
When cold, as it's hunting, holding the revs stops the smoke. Else it's like a steam train.

have turned down the max fuel a little.
Any more and it wont start ?!?! But it's clearly got enough fuel once going as it's rather fast.
Am really enjoying driving it despite the issues.
it's hilarious what it's able to keep up with.
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Smoking what colour? Does sound like air ingress.

And your fuel issue at higher revs will be the gov kicking in I expect.

Also, starter does sound suspect. Although I would have thought it better when warm
Wishes for more power...
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Yeah, when warm it's pretty much fine. I think I'm a little over that as the issue now.
It wasn't too bad starting this morning and it was rather cold.
But it hunted like a monster.

So then it's moved on to this smokeyness.
Smoke is very grey.
Excessive fuel at idle I'd say, but then how to wind that down?

The cold/hot idle lever wont give me enough travel to rest at the right stops for both hot and cold, so I'm screwing myself over for cold idle.
The wire connecting to it doesn't travel far enough. I need extra leverage.

Pump is not getting air in it. Clear lines.
And no air problems (Am VERY used to what that feels lie having run veg).

I think I have the pump settings wrong somehow. or that I'm handling idle incorrectly ?!?
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I had similar to you, Excessive white smoke at idle when cold, turns out the cold start advance was not enough, and the pump had retarded itself to a point where it ran like a bag of shite till I retimed it.. After tht it seemed to start on the button, idle fine on fast idle and also there was no smoke or hunting.
Given the choice between Niall and the sheep. I would choose the sheep!
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You mean like moved around on the bracket ??
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