modified insurance?

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modified insurance?
Has anyone ever modified there car and claimed but not told the insurance the car was modified if so what happened? Did they pay out or did they void the insurance?
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Most retarded question ever
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Your claim and insurance will most likely be made void, then you will have to declare in the future that you've had a policy void.
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(06-06-2014, 03:00 PM)toyo16 Wrote: Has anyone ever modified there car and claimed but not told the insurance the car was modified if so what happened? Did they pay out or did they void the insurance?

I do remember a story years ago, that one of the lads had built a Gti vvc, but didn't tell the insurance that he had dropped the vvc lump in it.
not sure why he didn't tell the insurance, but anyway, he happened to get pulled over by the old bill, Now I don't know why the pulled him, as it was a standard cop car not a traffic one I don't think. Anyway, one of the coppers said, can I have a look around the car, as it was tidy. He said can I pop the bonnet, He said yeah ok.
The engine that was in was a vvc mems 3 which doesn't have the vvc on the inlet, so it looks more standard.
But that didn't really help the lad, as the copper who looked under the bonnet happened to be well clued up on rovers, and picked up on the vvc engine,
He asked straight away is that declared to the insurance?
The owner said no not yet, and with in the hour they took the car off him and impounded it. He had to tell the insurance, about the vvc engine and show them proof of mot and the new insurance. I think he may have got a fine or a warning, I cannot remember.
So if anyone is driving around in a modified car, and told the insurance. Only takes a copper to be clued up on a car and that's it!
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Yer I lowered it, told insurance n they said I have to put it back standard :/ so got it booked in... pay to learn... ftw
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Change insurer...
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(06-06-2014, 09:37 PM)toyo16 Wrote: Yer I lowered it, told insurance n they said I have to put it back standard :/ so got it booked in... pay to learn... ftw

always ask before you change anything fella, I did before I build my vvc metro, and it turned out cheaper to mod it than it was standard!
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If you get the car remapped, some insurance wont allow it but some will and put the price up, i was thinking of doing mine, but it isnt my insurance, mine is on a fleet insurance so i cant do engine mods, all i have done is change the lights, anyway dose anyone know any insurance that allow people to change from fleet to private? I have got another 8 months, but this year some wouldnt allow it, they would put me back to 0 NCB... Takes the piss..
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The Black PH3 Angel
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Tbf I haven't always declared mods. How could they tell if a car has been mapped? Extra smoke? Doubt it?
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(08-06-2014, 12:52 PM)turkish Wrote: Tbf I haven't always declared mods. How could they tell if a car has been mapped? Extra smoke? Doubt it?

They could look on here... Tongue
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You've got to think what's an assessors salary for the day and either demo time or ecu interrogation for a few hours compared to the cost of the claim.

You always need to declare EVERYTHING
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(09-06-2014, 07:15 AM)Dum-Dum Wrote: You've got to think what's an assessors salary for the day and either demo time or ecu interrogation for a few hours compared to the cost of the claim.

You always need to declare EVERYTHING

This. You declare EVERYTHING!! Police are getting hot on mods now and have no problems with spending all afternoon on the phone to your insurer to check every mod is insured even down to the owners club stickers. If you have a heavily modified car, you can't really go with run of the mill insurers like admiral as they are useless with mods. Always go with a specialist company
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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I think stickers is a bit harsh. You think someone will get pulled for having a rspca sticker in?
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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I know of someone who had issues when he had a crash for not declaring he had different tyres on the alloys that he had declared.

Stickers is a funny one cos where do you draw the line between RSPCA sticker / 306OC sticker/ Sticker bombed fuel flap/ uinion jack roof sticker / viper stripes / carbon wrapped bonnet. Thing is its a mod you declare it, you are legally obliged to.
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As ridiculous as it is, it's still a modification and an insurance company will do anything they can to get out of paying. For the sake of just telling them what you have, is it worth not doing it?
Team Eaton

1999 China Blue 306 GTi6 - Eaton Supercharged - 214.5bhp 181lbft
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You will find with specialists that cosmetic mods very rarely even alter the premium - so why not declare everything?

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Why pay X amount for the insurance, to then ultimately have no cover if you have an accident?
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When i did mine last i just put down "various decals" as i change them every now and again. Hopefully thats enough should anything happen.
[Image: sig002_zpscb892e18.jpg]
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Its like with my air filter I just put down filter changes nice and vauge so.IF I end up changing fuel filter design its coverd
On a break from 306oc for personal reasons. If anyone needs or wants me most of you have my number and or facebook messenger
Thanks for the good times guys n gals. I might be back. Who knows.
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If i had declared about any mods that i had done, (which i havent done yet!) The insurance price shouldnt go up that much?
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The Black PH3 Angel
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It depends what the mods are really.
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It all depends on the insurer, some companies don't charge additional for cosmetic modifications, some have a BHP limit to which below that limit you can do virtually anything.

If you have gone ahead with a standard every day insurer, you may find they won't even cover modifications.

If you need any insurance help then please feel free to PM me.


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Tbh i used too insure every car as standard, Then wehen i had my impreza i got pulled over for the exhaust and they rang my insurance company too check, right there at the roadside at 10pm!

Luckily the insurers computers were down at the time! needless too say the next day at 8am i phoned my insurance and declared everything.. cost me £25 quid a month more at the time but worth it not too have the hassle and worry.

Since then i have always declared everything, right down too my stereo so i get a like for like replacement if anyone ever pinched it, also have agreed value on the car AND modifications!
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Team Cyril
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u got lucky then haha.. and dum dum, say if i wanted to remap my 306 at stage 1 would you know how much the insuance would go up? and yh some insurance are not good as in feb i was going to go from a fleet to a private insuance with 1NCB but they wouldnt alow it as they said you cant do it no more, hopefully next year febuary i can go on a private as i will be 21 and have 2NCB..
[Image: Cropped%20pic.png]
The Black PH3 Angel
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(09-06-2014, 11:36 AM)Dum-Dum Wrote: I know of someone who had issues when he had a crash for not declaring he had different tyres on the alloys that he had declared.

Different tyres? As in just a different brand or stretched? That's taking it a bit far tbh lol.

On this subject though, I know a guy from another forum who declared nothing, had a massive engine, bodykit, wheels, pretty much everything changed....and declared nothing! He was pulled over one day and his was seized and crushed. Now that's annoying, but you can replace a car fairly cheaply...whats not so cheap is his insurance that incident! Confused

I will also admit, I have driven with some fairly major undeclared mods in the past (not totally my fault, I was quoted, then the insurer changed their mod cover between the quote and me doing it!). And I've gotta say its just not worth the hassle of worrying about being pulled everywhere...

To properly declare a stage 1 on a HDi costs a stupid amount for you younger guys, mainly because they do it on percentage and HDi's are crap to start with. 130bhp is something like 35% power increase, anything over 25% on a 'normal' insurer isn't cheap! Funny thing is though, stage 1 a 150bhp Golf to 180bhp is only 20% increase, costs much less! lol
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There's not a 'set' increase for a stage 1 with insurers, it will vary as to if your insurer can even cover you.

Your best bet is to get in contact with your current insurance provider, explain to them what you propose to do (modification wise, increase in BHP etc) and ask them to quote on the change.

Very few companies can transfer fleet No Claims Bonus to Private Car, because a fleet insurance policy (As it says in the name) Is Fleet, not for an individual - therefore not belonging to one particular person, but a company or business to insure a number of vehicles and drivers.

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This reminds me I need to update a few things on my policy.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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Ok here's one for dan. I've swapped my fuel pump from Lucas to bosch. It's still standard so not been tuned. Do I still be to declare it as it's a standard peugeot part?
Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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(10-06-2014, 06:46 PM)Ben Jay Wrote: Ok here's one for dan. I've swapped my fuel pump from Lucas to bosch. It's still standard so not been tuned. Do I still be to declare it as it's a standard peugeot part?

Yes still needs to be declared.
Declare every little change! :-)
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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(10-06-2014, 06:46 PM)Ben Jay Wrote: Ok here's one for dan. I've swapped my fuel pump from Lucas to bosch. It's still standard so not been tuned. Do I still be to declare it as it's a standard peugeot part?

Morning Ben Jay,

Although I can certainly see why you think you wouldn't need to declare it, it's certainly worth your while telling your insurer. They may just note the file to state you have made the change - Modifications don't always make a difference to the price of insurance, it's about making sure you are covered.

I often see posts across the forums where people will say "I don't need to declare X mod because it doesn't make a difference to the car, or 'It's taken from another car of the same manufacturer" for example - But those people are risking driving without valid insurance - Why wouldn't you want to make sure you are completely covered, if the unthinkable happens & you need to claim for your pride and joy, surely you want to make sure you can?

Hope that helps Smile

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