Lift pump

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Lift pump
Well guys, car seems to have symptoms of fuel starvation and I wanna start with thw lift pump.

Ideally in the new year ill be going paddle clutch and good torque figures, so wanting to upgrade to the r70 and some form of lift pump upgrade.

I know JP had the walbro fitted, and reports success, I dont see the point paying 40 for a second hand 'known good one' when I can stretch to 60-70 for a good known brand walbro one, new at that.

Has anyone else fitted this pump and have any tips/advise before fitting it? Cheers.
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Id suggest reading the thread titled "Lift Pump Upgrade" here

Its the second from top in the related posts below or about 6 pages back.
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I read it earlier so ur suggestion is invalid.

The thread asks 'has anyone else fitted this pump and have any tips/advize before fitting it? Cheers'

The thread listed the only one who bothered saying they were actually going to upgrade it was aaron.

JP will most likely advise me on fitting but was wondering mostly had anyone else done it.
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I thought the above thread had a link to the fitting guide on the 6 forum?
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Its a petrol upgrade made for the 6, didnt people say this wasnt a valid upgrade due to the fuel pipe size in said thread?

Maybe im wayyy off in fairness
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(29-12-2013, 05:31 PM)mcglynn Wrote: Well guys, car seems to have symptoms of fuel starvation and I wanna start with thw lift pump.

Ideally in the new year ill be going paddle clutch and good torque figures, so wanting to upgrade to the r70 and some form of lift pump upgrade.

I know JP had the walbro fitted, and reports success, I dont see the point paying 40 for a second hand 'known good one' when I can stretch to 60-70 for a good known brand walbro one, new at that.

Has anyone else fitted this pump and have any tips/advise before fitting it? Cheers.

have you actually made sure the lift pump is the fault mate? ie there is power going to it?

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Apologies dum, having read your initial thread and clicking on the gti6 forum I now know how to fit it!

Thanks and apologies for my rudeness haha.. thought you were bashing at my 'inability' to have a look at the search function.

Guess I was wanting some info on the HDi and walbro setup as jp mentioned some case modifying which made me think twice about this.

And yeah dan its not something I'm 'certain' on but I plan on perhaps going better turbo/r70 territory once ive a good clutch on it and so thought due to jp's torque figures and fuel request abilities id upgrade it while I was here. Mines original and got 140k on it and to make good power it cant hurt to upgrade! Smile
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(30-12-2013, 02:15 AM)mcglynn Wrote: Apologies dum, having read your initial thread and clicking on the gti6 forum I now know how to fit it!

Thanks and apologies for my rudeness haha.. thought you were bashing at my 'inability' to have a look at the search function.

No worries mate, knew the info was there.

You can use a wallbro pump but the copies on ebay for a third of the price are probably very nearly as good and will be suitable for the HDi

Depending on how much overtime I manage to earn this month I might get one and do a guide for here.
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Yeah seen it now, not sure whether to go for a copy or not, its like putting a chinese turbo on :/

Might aswell stick with whats proven, if I plan on keeping the car which I intend to.

Insurance is due in january but loan comes in so hopefully the walbro one will be on the cards!
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If your not gonna go for a copy then I'd go for the AEM one, IIRC it was cheaper and higher flow than the wallbro one.
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Its more expensive now, well om ebay anyhow Sad
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Oh yeah the AEM one is £85 and the wallro is £75 but doesn't flow as much.
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theres things wrote about restricted flow at high temeperatures etc, confusing to keep an eye on it all. Guess the walbro one has been 'tried and tested' lol
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If we only did tried and tested wed still be living in caves and shagging our cousins
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Well thats all well and good, but I dont wanna be the guinea pig with my shitty budget lol
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Well I bit the bullet and bought the aps one.

I have some of their silicone hoses/reducers not that they are similiar products but they seem well made. Reputable company so I will get it installed and let you guys know how it goes.

Me and JP found when mapping the car its struggling for fuel at around 4k due to what we think is the lift pump. It has cut out under load on me as well as low load conditions at differing fuel levels, so like I say I bit the bullet.

Could have went with the walbro one but the aps one seems well built and will certainly be an upgrade on the standard item if not just as good. Years warranty as well so fingers crossed.

Have an r70 pump now to go on as well but I will be doing the lift pump first.
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This will be interesting to see mate. Hope it works for you.

Would be nice to see it tested to see if it creates the flow it says it will.
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Yeah I hope so too as the car makes a 'brr' noise at around 4k, not everytime either only some times so its not the mapping. Isnt requesting overly high amounts of fuel up there either so thinking its the lift pump.

It has also cut out on me and failed to restart the first few tries/turns after (couldn't hear the pump running) then all of a sudden it runs and the car starts again.

Fingers cross this is a worthwhile spend and sorts it out, only 'test' I will be able to do is keep all parameters the same bar the new lift pump and see if it solves the cutting.
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Well it has arrived. Hopefully fit it after my exam tomorrow,

[Image: berezu8u.jpg]
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Awesome, cant wait.
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