The Dreaded Pothole Strikes Again.....

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The Dreaded Pothole Strikes Again.....
Well what can I say tonight other than that when I was on my travels home from uxbridge earlier hours Wednesday morning down the country lanes...... making a generous amount of noise waking villagers, I came across a bend which had a lovely little pot hole in and have now killed one of my alloys as well as the ball joint on my lower arm Sad even though they were crappy wolfrace alloys which I dislike this is beyond the point, I am now on the look out for a nice set of cyclones or something else just for a little bit more of the subtle oem look ninja I shall be uploading a picture of the damaged wheel as soon as possible. Has anyone else had any great misfortune from roads which are poorly maintained recently ?? I am debating on weather to pay my tax or not or file the long winded arm of a dispute as this is what had caused serious gearbox damage and damaged bushes etc for the previous owner Sad
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Moral of the story... Dont drive so fast you cant see and avoid something in the road! Lol
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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LOL worse enough to say I was doing 45 prior to hitting the bastard it was like it snuck out from no where and theres a round about which is near on impossible to dodge any of the pot holes I certainly won't be taking this route again

I may also be giving some numpty scrap value for his turbo diesel ph2 due to "starting" problems all it needs is a new passengers window and the fuelling issue sorted and happy days Smile
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I had a similar sort of thing, it snapped a front spring and snapped the cup off the shock, i took pictures of the pot hole and the damage to the car. I had the car repaired 2 new front springs and shocks and sent the bill along with the pictures to my local council and after a few months and quite a few phone calls ( i think i pissed them of more than anything by phoning all the time ).They paid out for it in full. So worth doing in the end.

The pot hole was repaired with in 3 days of me sending them the letter and bill.
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That sucks dude, some of the roads here are just awesome which is such a shame as there's some amazing corners but they are all full of pot holes, its so bad even the pot holes have pot holes. I'm having issues with where the roads are collapsing at the side under braking as the front sub frame hits the middle of the road.
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The Buttertubs Pass has just been resurfaced. A long way from you guys but just FYI Wink
[Image: tapatalk_1427020983519_zpsnwvozlhb.jpeg]
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The wheels would have been fine if it was a decent brand its just wolf race wheels are made of cheese. I had some many many maaany years ago and they suffered the same fate

[Image: DSC_0190-Copy_zpsf093f84d.jpg]
Member of 99% warning or your nothing club!

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The wheels on my Toyota were like cheese, it's one of the common problems. Hit a Pothole on a slip road (I shit you not) and it oval'd the wheel instantly. I was peeved.

Will a 1.4 do 45mph?

Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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not good mate i think it would be a good idea not to take that route again
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im not taking that route ever again lol

(04-11-2013, 09:58 PM)Pug-Mike Wrote: not good mate i think it would be a good idea not to take that route again

ahhh i deffo will not be taking that route again lol and wont be a 1.4 for much longer im hoping lol
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