Vegetable Oil as Fuel

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Vegetable Oil as Fuel
I know this has been covered in detail on other forums, but i'd like to start a thread here anyway (3 reasons: - This site could do with some more useful content [no offense Matt :p] - Since buying an XUD i suddenly give a shit about VO - Finally, Foxy in his wisdom has deleted most of the useful relevant threads from .net since they're older than xx months :roll: )

I understand a lot of people use clean SVO in XUD's, but what about WVO? I realise it would have to be filtered, but surely the price difference is worth it..? And found this on ebay:

Any thoughts/input please?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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as long as its been filtered well and dewatered there would be no issue running waste veg as a precaution id carry a spare fuel filter just in case. Trouble is with waste veg few years ago you could go to local chippy and he would give it away. Now its not the case all chippys round here have theres bought fom company such as that one on ebay. Think he said it was around £12 he gets for 25l. if you can get it cheap enough it be worth the filtration and dewatering but im quite happy looking for the offers for freash veg at £1/L
Perv 106 1.4 xs First Pug Love - Scrapped
Perv 306 1.6 5 Door Hore - Sold
110bhp 207 Hdi Sport - Used as a Brake
173bhp T25 Ph1 Diablo Dturbo - Scrapped
Thirsty Bitch Volvo 850 Estate - Sold
51bhp Berlingo Nad DT Van - Sold
Slow as f*ck Dispatch Work Horse
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I'm running WVO, I buy it in bulk though from someone else that goes around the chippys. When I get I filter it, then leave it standing in a cube and just use from the top. The fat settles to the bottom and you wouldn't want to use it but the rest is fine, as said above, I tend to carry a filter around!

De-watering, you don't want water in it I know that much, but I've (touch wood) got away so far without having to do anything about water!
Gov modded 11mm Bosch + Standard turbo = 137.2bhp . . . . TD04 now in...time to get playing!
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set your own WVO filtration system - shit loads of tutorials and guides online, make sure you can get hold of WVO first.

but yeh, pretty much and oil which you can cook with, will go through the system. if you're in a cold area still, mix it up with diesel first. chuck a pint of petrol in to keep the internals clean if you want also.
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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Hmmm, 68p a litre fuel, Bosch'ing my car just got even more interesting.
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I used to filter my shit with a stock fuel filter, syphon out of a tub set high in the garden, and put straight in tank - no dewatering. Although I didnt care about the pump etc, but I also couldnt be arsed to sort out an immersion heater and deal with all that shit. I just had a spare pump incase any water ever did knacker the pump but its never happened after thousands of miles. For best reliability do filter/dewater though. I only pootle about locally so not so car dependant.
[Image: 22f2b6b2-758b-4c1c-96fb-6fa9c6059b13_zpsf306b56b.jpg]
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I have a chinese food wholesalers just round the corner from me. 18.50 for 20l or when tesco have theirs on offer at £1pl, i use sams staff discount for 10%off and whatever vouchers i can find. Got 40l for 78ppl not so long ago which aint bad for fresh veg oil
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Cheers guys, good point about the spare filter, will remember that. Depends where i move into as to whether i'll be able to set up my own processing system, but we'll see.

bigcheez2k3 Wrote:Hmmm, 68p a litre fuel, Bosch'ing my car just got even more interesting.

Sorry, i'm anal as fook; how exactly did you work out that figure..?

That's a decent price on the ebay stuff though, will have to see if i can get some local restaurants involved to make it worth the extra hassle of not buying straight from ebay. Great thing about this area is that the vast majority are too snobby to put WVO in their cars; last time i smelt a car running on anything but diesel it was kerosene, and it had a northern plate anyway lmao.

Been looking around on ebay some more, there's people out there selling it for as little as 50ppl unfiltered... :think:
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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Poodle Wrote:Cheers guys, good point about the spare filter, will remember that. Depends where i move into as to whether i'll be able to set up my own processing system, but we'll see.

bigcheez2k3 Wrote:Hmmm, 68p a litre fuel, Bosch'ing my car just got even more interesting.

Sorry, i'm anal as fook; how exactly did you work out that figure..?

That's a decent price on the ebay stuff though, will have to see if i can get some local restaurants involved to make it worth the extra hassle of not buying straight from ebay. Great thing about this area is that the vast majority are too snobby to put WVO in their cars; last time i smelt a car running on anything but diesel it was kerosene, and it had a northern plate anyway lmao.

Been looking around on ebay some more, there's people out there selling it for as little as 50ppl unfiltered... :think:

Different auction, I searched after clicking that link and found one near me doing 140 litres for £95.
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Reading on the "other" site and it mentions not being able to use it on a lucas but doesnt explain why.
Could someone explain please =P
Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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Ben Jay Wrote:Reading on the "other" site and it mentions not being able to use it on a lucas but doesnt explain why.
Could someone explain please =P
the Lucas pumps are made of cheese derived metal mineral and will break . . . . .Bosch pumps are made from a little piece of god and will never fail . . . . . (true story) . . . . Smile
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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Could i use 50/50 then? so its diluted? or is veg a no no with lucas?
Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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Ben Jay Wrote:Could i use 50/50 then? so its diluted? or is veg a no no with lucas?
some do but it's not advised especially at this time of year . . . .just get a Bosch on her mate . .
Phase 1 D-Turdo, K14@24 psi, De-cat, meaty backbox, Bosch pump, grinded LDA pin, duel air fed K&N =133.7bhp & 188ft/lbs
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thats annoying! ah well need some funds to get a bosch first!
Quote:(15:06:27) Toms306: Wd40d it and had a good tug, came straight off

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5522]

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Ben Jay Wrote:thats annoying! ah well need some funds to get a bosch first!

Bosch soon pays for itself if you run it on veg and do alot of miles. In my 205 I worked out id save £55 a month running on veg instead of pump diesel. So after 2 months mileage its working out cheaper! Smile
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The Lucas pump is not as well lubricated as the Bosch... They don't pull as much excess fuel... They also are of a radial piston design, so what happens is that the pistons that pump the fuel sieze so they can't return as the pump overheats as the chamber doesn't pull in excess fuel, only how much it needs for its given injection quantity... The Bosch ve is well lubricated and due to its axial design and pulls excess fuel into the head, so is well lubed and cooled...
(16-05-2016, 10:45 AM)Toms306 Wrote: Oh I don't care about the stripped threads lol, that's easily solved by hammering the bolt in. Wink
Nanstone GTD5 GT17S - XUD9TE
Volvo V50 D5 R-Design SE Sport - Daily cruise wagon.
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BOOKERS have KTC 20L in @ 18.99
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dont you need a card to get in bookers?
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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4WayDiablo Wrote:dont you need a card to get in bookers?
Yes and I have one lol
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Fair enough. I know my grandad has a macro card. Might see what they got on atm
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Ha, fair enough, was worried there lol.

D@wson Wrote:BOOKERS have KTC 20L in @ 18.99

Was just about to post this, asked a mate of mine to look into it for me earlier. Currently trying to work out whether heating/filtering it myself or buying it ready-to-use is the better deal...
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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How much do you think 140 litres of WVO weighs?

Working out whether I could fit that in mine, I'm estimating it's about 120kgs.
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bigcheez2k3 Wrote:How much do you think 140 litres of WVO weighs?

Working out whether I could fit that in mine, I'm estimating it's about 120kgs.

I've squeezed in 200L (10x20l) of used veg before, including 2 passengers for a 250mile trip... 120kg is childs play! Tongue

1l water = ~1kg.

I think 1l of oil has a density of ~ 0.92kg.
[Image: brokendown-1-1-1.jpg]

Dturbo GT2259s build thread;

Daily driver; 330d Msport (doesn't blow up!)
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n0v0s Wrote:
bigcheez2k3 Wrote:How much do you think 140 litres of WVO weighs?

Working out whether I could fit that in mine, I'm estimating it's about 120kgs.

I've squeezed in 200L (10x20l) of used veg before, including 2 passengers for a 250mile trip... 120kg is childs play! Tongue

1l water = ~1kg.

I think 1l of oil has a density of ~ 0.92kg.
Haha id have no hope. I scrap with 2 passengers in the car
But good effort!

Yeah off to macros soon enough for veg veg veg methinks
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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Poodle I have a costco card and theyer just under £1 a liter if your ever up this way we can go and fill the back of your car.

The costco stuff is in metal drums so theres a little bit of scrap value there too.

I wouldnt bother using waste stuff unless it was free cos once youve factored in the cost of filters, the ball ache of it all and the fact that it has alot more animal fat solids in (that will f*ck you over in winter and mean more regular filter changes its not worth it.

Taylon said on his last XUD he got some cheap WVO and over half of it wasnt even useable cos it was so full of shite, water and solid fat.

Also WVO has a slightly lower calorific value than fresh veg so you have to inject more fuel to get the same energy out so you put your foot down more and burn more fuel meaning lower fuel economy.

Also bear in mind that fresh veg has a lower calorific value by volume compared to dyno diesel so be prepared for your economy to drop a little due to that.
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Had the feeling that might be the case with WVO, i know you can make adequate filters out of J-cloths etc, was actually thinking it would be the electric bill for heating the stuff that would kill me lol. Hadn't thought about it having a lower calorific value, good point. Hmmmm, might experiment with a batch just to know for sure, we'll see.

Was aware the economy would drop a bit, about 7-8% if i've worked it out right, that doesn't account for the extra pumping losses due to the higher viscosity, but i cba with working that out for the sake of another 0.XX% lol.

Has anyone done experiments on what's best to mix with it? I figured 30/70 diesel/veg would thin it down enough to make life easier on cold mornings, was wondering if cetane booster might be worth a trial. And how's best to mix it, veg in first then diesel on top i would have thought..?
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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If you were only using WVO during the warmer months would it still have to be de-watered? Is it safe to run if it's not de-watered?
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reading this just makes me want a derv.
[Image: newsig_zpsee86fa10.jpg]
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Dont use 30% diesel, use 5-10% petrol. Its cheaper.
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Hahaha nice one, will do. Big Grin

Ant, i understand de-watering the veg is to keep your pump healthy.
306 HDi Deathtrap - 130bhp / 220lbft

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