Woolwich attack

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Woolwich attack
Havnt watched the vids either, dont want to, beyond believe that something like this has actually happened in broad day light in london.. rip mate, thoughts go out to all.
Blaze '6 and Blaze D-turbo!
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This has infuriated many of my soldier friends, to see one of our brothers butchered on the street has pissed many of us Squaddies off.
There are two other things that have pissed me off:

1: Nothing will be done about it; we wont kick any of the muslims out of this country (I say muslim, because these islamic extremists have influenced these African men). I am ashamed of our immigration system.

2: I have just seen more footage of the murder that occurred today taking down one of our soldiers, Now i know for a fact that if any of my soldier friends (as well as myself) saw this happening; we would not just stand there and watch like many of those others did. We would jump straight in there and take those f*ckers down. Britain... for this i am ashamed of you!
I Black mask Crystal headlights, check out my Thread
Black mask Service
Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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Really hope it doesn't kick off in London!
Disclaimer: The above is not to be taken to heart and is probably a joke, grow up you big girl.
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(22-05-2013, 09:47 PM)C.A.R. Wrote: Sick.

Really hope it doesn't kick off in London!

Me too, especially as I'm not far from it.
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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(22-05-2013, 10:33 PM)declantg Wrote: Speechless.

What's worrying is these foreigners have a better grasp of the English language.

f*ck's sake Britain, it seems the ones who aren't ignorant are just all out moronic.
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I love how he contradicts himself in his first "point"
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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Sickening to think that our british troops are safer in Afghanistan than in our own country... what the fucks that all about?

Ol' lizzy wont be too impressed with this
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I hope they catch a disease and have a slow and painful death
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And another thing, why do people feel the need to make COUNTLESS rip pages.
It's all about exploiting likes and then sellin the pages on later, disgusting
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306 HDI, soon to be XUD
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2 mosques have been attacked already. Coming days are going to be interesting I think.
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Thing is, it's not even been confirmed he's a soldier, and Muslims are condemning the attack.

Sounds like homegrown self radicalisation to me.

Bit harsh how the whole of Islam is being held accountable for two men of unconfirmed religion and motives.
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Its just sickening to think something like this could happen in this country. I dont understand how islam is brainwashing these people to do this sort of crap.

Probably gonna get hated but EDL make sense of protecting this country from shariah law. Its the uneducated people at the protests who just want a fight that fcuk up the message that theyre tryna get out and give them a certain reputation.

Im indian (born in the uk) and apparently us lot and muslims arent supposed to get along i dont go around cutting them up neither do you see other people from different religions or backgrounds doing the same extremist things that's going on nowadays or trying to set our own laws. These people should be proud of where they are born. This is the problem with the population in the UK - No respect.

My post probably didnt make much sense but reading through this just pissed me off how this shit can happen.

And watching one of the vids on this thread about a protest where Islamic people are shouting 'Uk go to hell' or whatever. If there was a march and people where chanting 'islamic extremist/terrorist go to hell' there would probably be a riot because people would be so offended yet its ok for what was said in the video to be shouted out in the country they live in :S
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Thing is, Jihad is basically a term exploited by the extremists and unfortunately some people are highly susceptible to the propaganda of groups like Al Qaeda. The media don't help as they don't differentiate between Muslims and extremist groups, the way it's portrayed is that Muslims ARE extremists.

Shariah law is not for this country though, personally I think it's a very old fashioned way of doing things and the countries that live under it are years behind the west in terms of development. Shariah law does NOT work for a nation like the UK. I think a lot of British Muslims realise that though. The EDL don't need to "protect" the UK from Shariah law as it will never be implemented. What the EDL do is wait for an opportunity to jump on an anti-foreigners bandwagon when it's looking likely the two suspects are British...
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The thing is groups like the edl are gaining popularity because of our governments lack of immigration control, when we have crazy bastids here that are willing to do shit like this!! yet grow up here and are educated and housed here!! You just can't imagine the f*ckers that are walking in in checked!!

R.I.P fella
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Cut off the f*ckers arms and legs and just leave a torso, cut his tongue off and feed the twat through a straw.

Its not all muslims, or the muslim race thats the problem (yeah they all come here and think they own the place) just seems to be a select few, always seems to be them though, found evidence of a bomb on 1 of them when we did the olympics..
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Confirmed Soldier

If you cant trace your family back to WW2 or your a specialist/skilled worker then you can leave imo

And it happened in broad day light and no onedid anything... my theory on why no one did anything is because they thought it was gang relatated voilence and didnt want to risk personal injury

Which is more than fair enough... No one at the time knew it was a soldier.
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i'm...speechless !!!

This has upset me alot, they were born and bred in the UK by the looks of it and then they turn on fellow citizens - SICK!!!! If this happened in any other country it would not be acceptable on any level. In the UK we are too politically correct sometimes and think of other peoples feelings etc first before thinking of Uk citizensn (from an immigration point of view) !

As someone mentioned the borders do need to be policed intensely as they currently are not, all holidays i've been on...its harder to leave the country with more checks than it is to come back, overseas airports are poor on security checks and don't give a rats-arse and when i get home i have just been asked to show my passport, no scans or metal detectors etc. We also lose manage to lose thousands of immigrants in the UK that should be deported....

this country has gone to the dogs in all aspects....
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the smokey old bus that sounds like a tractor...
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(22-05-2013, 09:40 PM)Rich306 Wrote: 1: Nothing will be done about it; we wont kick any of the muslims out of this country (I say muslim, because these islamic extremists have influenced these African men). I am ashamed of our immigration system.

No one should be kicking Muslims out of the country. They should be kicking the extremists out. It may just so happen that they are Muslim extremists...

I wonder what the reaction would be had this been a Neo-Nazi attack made by a white extremist? It seems that everyone has just jumped on the bandwagon of racism because they are A) black and B) their comments related to religion.

Not in anyway trying to take away from what's happened because there's no words to describe how awful it is. But an extreme racist reaction won't do anything to change the situation, it will just incite more hate.... then we'll be just as bad as them.
[Image: kim.png]
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Yeah, to echo that I think it's been a bit lost in the politics but there's a mother and father out there who've lost their son in an act of mindless brutality.
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(22-05-2013, 09:40 PM)Rich306 Wrote: 1: Nothing will be done about it; we wont kick any of the muslims out of this country (I say muslim, because these islamic extremists have influenced these African men). I am ashamed of our immigration system.

They're muslims; their country of origin is the UK. "THEY" are born and bred in London. Where would you like "these" people to go exactly? Muslim land? Hmm..?

I''m not denying what happened was wrong, but this kind of discussion has been said over and over again. "kick them out". Where. They live here as much as your neighbour.

Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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(23-05-2013, 07:45 AM)Kimmie Wrote:
(22-05-2013, 09:40 PM)Rich306 Wrote: 1: Nothing will be done about it; we wont kick any of the muslims out of this country (I say muslim, because these islamic extremists have influenced these African men). I am ashamed of our immigration system.

No one should be kicking Muslims out of the country. They should be kicking the extremists out. It may just so happen that they are Muslim extremists...

I wonder what the reaction would be had this been a Neo-Nazi attack made by a white extremist? It seems that everyone has just jumped on the bandwagon of racism because they are A) black and B) their comments related to religion.

Not in anyway trying to take away from what's happened because there's no words to describe how awful it is. But an extreme racist reaction won't do anything to change the situation, it will just incite more hate.... then we'll be just as bad as them.

Well said Smile x
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(23-05-2013, 08:59 AM)ginge191 Wrote:
(22-05-2013, 09:40 PM)Rich306 Wrote: 1: Nothing will be done about it; we wont kick any of the muslims out of this country (I say muslim, because these islamic extremists have influenced these African men). I am ashamed of our immigration system.

They're muslims; their country of origin is the UK. "THEY" are born and bred in London. Where would you like "these" people to go exactly? Muslim land? Hmm..?

I''m not denying what happened was wrong, but this kind of discussion has been said over and over again. "kick them out". Where. They live here as much as your neighbour.


Perhaps I should enhance on my meaning behind this:
If they are wanting to preach Allah, then as far as I am concerned they should be given a one way ticket to the likes of Pakistan and banned from this country, regardless of whether they are UK born or not.

I don't know if you have noticed, but this country has had immigrants growing in number for the last 40 years roughly, almost every city has a mosque, they are quite happy to take take and more take for their families of numbers unknown.
Most of them are aware their friends are plotting and few numbers of them are prepared to rat them out.

As shown by that BBC video above, they are quite happy to protest in numbers with banners saying: British police burn in hell?
Yet the police will be the first people they call in emergency of racial hatred.

These people need screening a lot better, we also need to have tighter controls on what they take from the system . (I am aware British people take too).

I did not serve my time in the military for this to happen in front of our eyes. Of course my view is going to seem biased to other people but when you hear of a fellow soldier being butchered; I'm sure you'd feel the same!
I Black mask Crystal headlights, check out my Thread
Black mask Service
Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(23-05-2013, 09:21 AM)Rich306 Wrote: Perhaps I should enhance on my meaning behind this:
If they are wanting to preach Allah, then as far as I am concerned they should be given a one way ticket to the likes of Pakistan and banned from this country, regardless of whether they are UK born or not.

I don't know if you have noticed, but this country has had immigrants growing in number for the last 40 years roughly, almost every city has a mosque, they are quite happy to take take and more take for their families of numbers unknown.
Most of them are aware their friends are plotting and few numbers of them are prepared to rat them out.

As shown by that BBC video above, they are quite happy to protest in numbers with banners saying: British police burn in hell?
Yet the police will be the first people they call in emergency of racial hatred.

These people need screening a lot better, we also need to have tighter controls on what they take from the system . (I am aware British people take too).

I did not serve my time in the military for this to happen in front of our eyes. Of course my view is going to seem biased to other people but when you hear of a fellow soldier being butchered; I'm sure you'd feel the same!

Firstly, Pakistan? Why Pakistan. a little fact for you; there are 51 countries in the world which are islamic dominant. This means these 51 countries have MORE than 50% of their nation following islam and islamic views. So again, why pakistan?

Secondly; yes, the country has opened up for a lot of immigrants; hence the demand for a referendum on this issue. But i bet you're not racist when this "immigrant" is stitching you up or serving you your cuisine or even your shopping at the supermarket?
Remember, this is a MINORITY.

I understand your views given a millitary background, half my family is/has had the same/more experience (purely as they're older, i don't know what/where you've served) but their response is not as extreme as this. They understand there is a problem, and control their anger, understand the BIGGER issue, not just saying "all muslims should be kicked out", or even one in particular. it goes back to my initial point, these "muslims" who committed this crime, are British. They're born here, and carry British residency.
Diablo Hdi Dturbo and 205 1.9 project - it lives!
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They should have listened to Enoch Powell.... Itwasntme

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Our country need to take note from Australia. You can only get in if you have a specialist job and no criminal record.

Its wrong that if your mother comes over to england while shes pregnant and gives birth you get a choice to be a british citizen or srick to your parents cirizenship. There fore your parents choose you to be british so they can stay here as this is where there kid is born.

I agree forigners should be thrown out. Back to where there parents are from. If both your parents are not british then you should leave.

I have friends that are iranian and things. But this is still what I believe.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
[Image: 6b0c7309-5184-463c-9f73-2a7b96601418_zpsfdf041fe.jpg]
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(23-05-2013, 09:31 AM)ginge191 Wrote:
(23-05-2013, 09:21 AM)Rich306 Wrote: Perhaps I should enhance on my meaning behind this:
If they are wanting to preach Allah, then as far as I am concerned they should be given a one way ticket to the likes of Pakistan and banned from this country, regardless of whether they are UK born or not.

I don't know if you have noticed, but this country has had immigrants growing in number for the last 40 years roughly, almost every city has a mosque, they are quite happy to take take and more take for their families of numbers unknown.
Most of them are aware their friends are plotting and few numbers of them are prepared to rat them out.

As shown by that BBC video above, they are quite happy to protest in numbers with banners saying: British police burn in hell?
Yet the police will be the first people they call in emergency of racial hatred.

These people need screening a lot better, we also need to have tighter controls on what they take from the system . (I am aware British people take too).

I did not serve my time in the military for this to happen in front of our eyes. Of course my view is going to seem biased to other people but when you hear of a fellow soldier being butchered; I'm sure you'd feel the same!

Firstly, Pakistan? Why Pakistan. a little fact for you; there are 51 countries in the world which are islamic dominant. This means these 51 countries have MORE than 50% of their nation following islam and islamic views. So again, why pakistan?

Secondly; yes, the country has opened up for a lot of immigrants; hence the demand for a referendum on this issue. But i bet you're not racist when this "immigrant" is stitching you up or serving you your cuisine or even your shopping at the supermarket?
Remember, this is a MINORITY.

I understand your views given a millitary background, half my family is/has had the same/more experience (purely as they're older, i don't know what/where you've served) but their response is not as extreme as this. They understand there is a problem, and control their anger, understand the BIGGER issue, not just saying "all muslims should be kicked out", or even one in particular. it goes back to my initial point, these "muslims" who committed this crime, are British. They're born here, and carry British residency.

I think you need to read more into what I've said Ginge.
Firstly I stated the 'likes of Pakistan' therefore not singling out that one specific country.
I'm not singling out every single Muslim in this country, you're right in saying this is a minority, however it's a minority that is growing into a majority. Persuasion is a powerful tool in the act of terrorism.
Hence why I want a better screening program.

You seem to have ignored my comments about some being Uk born.
I Black mask Crystal headlights, check out my Thread
Black mask Service
Member of the 99% warning or you're nothing club
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(23-05-2013, 09:43 AM)kentiiboii Wrote: Our country need to take note from Australia. You can only get in if you have a specialist job and no criminal record.

Its wrong that if your mother comes over to england while shes pregnant and gives birth you get a choice to be a british citizen or srick to your parents cirizenship. There fore your parents choose you to be british so they can stay here as this is where there kid is born.

My cousin has two British parents, but was born in Australia and lived there until he was three (he's now moved back). Things may have changed since he was born as he's now 28, but he holds dual citizenship...
[Image: kim.png]
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Can someone change the thread title to "Im not racist... But..."

Oh and on the point about citizenship, I was born in America, I hold dual citizenship, so stop chatting out your ass about things you clearly have no idea about
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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(23-05-2013, 09:49 AM)Kimmie Wrote:
(23-05-2013, 09:43 AM)kentiiboii Wrote: Our country need to take note from Australia. You can only get in if you have a specialist job and no criminal record.

Its wrong that if your mother comes over to england while shes pregnant and gives birth you get a choice to be a british citizen or srick to your parents cirizenship. There fore your parents choose you to be british so they can stay here as this is where there kid is born.

My cousin has two British parents, but was born in Australia and lived there until he was three (he's now moved back). Things may have changed since he was born as he's now 28, but he holds dual citizenship...

I know my step mum. Her mother gave birth to her in detroit as her father was a professor at a uni. Then they came back to UK add they're both British and she was asked to choose.

(23-05-2013, 09:51 AM)Connor Wrote: Can someone change the thread title to "Im not racist... But..."

Oh and on the point about citizenship, I was born in America, I hold dual citizenship, so stop chatting out your ass about things you clearly have no idea about

Sorry as I said. My step mum was born in detroit. I was told she had to choose.
#2 Moonstone Blue HDI
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