Noises from under the bonnet knocking/rattling?

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Noises from under the bonnet knocking/rattling?
Hi all, I got back from fishing yesterday afternoon about a 50 mile trip and noticed a couple of noises coming from under the bonnet. It sounded like it was plastic rubbing/ rattling on the aux belt so I had a look and saw 2 clips from a water pipe rubbing on the belt near the bottom pully so I cliped them back together and the noise is still there. I have also noticed a knocking noise which I can't pin point. The noises come and go. Any ideas thanks mark
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Really hard to say mate without hearing it, if your sure its from the aux belt area try removing the belt and checking all the pullys for play etc, you could also try running with the belt off to see if the noise is still there or not... Smile
Blaze '6 and Blaze D-turbo!
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Thanks for the quick reply, Im sure its coming from that area mate I checked for play in the bottom pulley when I noticed it and there was very little play. But the knocking noise sound a different place to the rubbing/ rattling.
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I would do the above. Take the aux belt off and run the engine. If the noise is gone then it is likely the tensioner, if the noise is still there then I would think about doing a full cambelt kit asap!
Supercharged XUD Project - Dead

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Noises from under the bonnet.. sounds like an XUD to me?

Does the sound get quieter when you put your fog lights on aswell as your lights? if so its the tensioner
MG ZR TD+ - gone and easily forgotten
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Cheers I'll try and have a look tomorrow hopefully. I was thinking I would be best doing a cam belt change when I got the car not knowing when it was last done.

(19-05-2013, 10:28 PM)Dicky Wrote: Noises from under the bonnet.. sounds like an XUD to me?

Does the sound get quieter when you put your fog lights on aswell as your lights? if so its the tensioner

I would check but I need bulbs for fog lights lol.
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Iv just managed to have a look and I think it could be the tensioner for aux belt as when looking at it, it spins fine and then judders, I can't feel any play in it tho, could this be the knocking noise? Local scrappy has got one just thought I would get some advice before I went ahead in changing it. Also is it easy enough to take the belt off to check as stated above?
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I would always buy new when replacing tensioners, they don't cost much
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