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Early last year, replace the rear pads - all is well

Mid December, my front brakes failed and I replaced the front pads and all was well again.

This morning, under heavy braking, the car swerved to the left and stopped once i took my foot off the brake...strange...did it even under light braking..

all of a sudden, car starts shaking at about 40mph from the front right as if im loosing a wheel.

Get out of the car, check the wheel, both the front and back alloys on the drivers side are coated/welded with brake dust (nice white alloys now power coated in black dust) front alloy is roasting hot but pads look ok, rear pads have disappeared. Other side is fine.
Jacked up front of car and wobbled drivers side front wheel about - clonks back a forth a tiny bit side to side.

Anyone got any ideas?

Loosing the will to live...
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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Sounds like a seized caliper
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Exactly what connor said!

Sounds like the front drivers caliper is stuck at a certain pads wont waer anymore, rear pads trying to compensate fro lack of braking on that side....front pass wheel has more brake force so the car pulls that way....if that makes sense. Smile
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and how would one un-seize a caliper?
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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The piston will need cleaning up and probably could do with changing the seal
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Pain in the arse I just rebuilt a set of calipers and getting the pistons and the seals in correctly is a mare!!
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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Basically.. it'd be easier to swap the calipers over, 266's shouldn't be very expensive as everyone swaps from them to 283's
[Image: Ty8kl7b.jpg]
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Yeah if you wanted i have a set of 266 front calipers if you wanty?
[Image: IMG_20130925_181339_zps95df48fa.jpg]
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4way is there anything you dont have lying about lol but back on topic defo sounds like the caliper mate and it would be simpler to buy another set rather the refurb the old ones
Phase 1 306 Dturbo Sigma Blue a.k.a THE LADY

[Image: redranger.jpg]
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The AA guy gave the caliper a mighty whacking with a large lump hammer (lol) and it freed up. Could this have been a one off? Ill take it all apart and have a good look.

Going to buy a new set of brakes all round (rear ones need done now) and having a look at how to fit calipers, its only the brake line that needs to be disconnected and refitted isnt it

[Image: IMG-20120131-00596.jpg]
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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No not a one off, callipers don't just seize for the hell of it, its cause there's rust on the piston and when you press through brake pedal and push the piston back out to where the rust is, it will eventually seize again
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Moonstone2.0 Wrote:The AA guy gave the caliper a mighty whacking with a large lump hammer (lol) and it freed up. Could this have been a one off? Ill take it all apart and have a good look.

Going to buy a new set of brakes all round (rear ones need done now) and having a look at how to fit calipers, its only the brake line that needs to be disconnected and refitted isnt it

Big enough hammer fixes anything if applied correctly lol

As for swapping yeah, brake line and maybe the wear sensors if it has them Smile

other than that its 2 bolts on each calliper (which will be tight as fook) or 4 if you split the callipers from the carriers (like for like brakes maybe leave the carriers attached to the hub...........after that it will just need them bleeding (check the bleed nipples aren't stuck before you fit them!!) and away you go!
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Definitely check the bleed nipples! Sheered two on my rear ones!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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hmmm..all the ones on ebay look in worse condition than mine Sad how to know!? going to have to have a good nosey tonight and make sure i get an exact model so that its a plug and play job
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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Moonstone2.0 Wrote:hmmm..all the ones on ebay look in worse condition than mine Sad how to know!? going to have to have a good nosey tonight and make sure i get an exact model so that its a plug and play job

As long as you drown the in WD40 and then gently loosen them with a deep socket they are normally fine mate, its only if they were tightened by and ape the last time they were bled and haven't been moved for a few years that you get problems Smile

Just make sure they are the same as there are a few variations of the callipers IIRC
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Got deep sockets and lots of wd40. Big Grin all the others should be fine as i got the brakes bled by a garage when i replaced my beam.
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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Don't use wd40

Plusgas ftw
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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So I got down to business last night:

[Image: IMG-20120201-00602.jpg]

And came across the potential reason for my brakes seizing:

[Image: IMG-20120201-00604.jpg]

But then couldn't get the brake line off - am I attacking this at the right place?

[Image: IMG-20120201-00606.jpg]

its a 14mm nut but its a bugger...soaked in wd40. will have to get a new gas flamer me thinks.

[Image: IMG-20120201-00605.jpg]
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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I think that may be a bit more than the potential problem lol

and yeah you are attacking the correct bit, drown it in WD40 and then leave it for a while and then get the blow torch on the job to warm the calliper a bit and make it expand Smile
Team Orange Engine Bay

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Ive never seen brakes that bad :|
[Image: Atterz.jpg]
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Dam they are pretty bad! As I rememeber my brake lines were a biatch to get out as well tho, just be careful not to round them tho.
1st - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - Failed Gearbox
2nd - Diablo 306 1.9 N/A Diesel - At 225,000 miles the engine fell out
3rd - Diablo 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Rust bucket
4th - Cherry Red 306 Sedan 1.9 Turbo Diesel - Crashed 6 days after buying, Bah!
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You cant really stop them getting that bad though?! I dont do anything with them other than drive and brake :p
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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Moonstone2.0 Wrote:You cant really stop them getting that bad though?! I dont do anything with them other than drive and brake :p

Thats your problem, you should stop braking all together and they will look like new lol
Team Orange Engine Bay

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No braking ftw!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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Foxy-jim Wrote:No braking ftw!

Yeh but you drive a 1.4 your lucky to get up to a speed to have to brake ha ha
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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Jonny b Wrote:
Foxy-jim Wrote:No braking ftw!

Yeh but you drive a 1.4 your lucky to get up to a speed to have to brake ha ha

Owned :p
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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I think this might do the trick! Big Grin

[Image: IMG-20120202-00607.jpg]
MrsMoonstone Wrote:Cats eyes get in the way of the racing line!
Moonstone HDi Phase 3- Scrapped Sad --- 1.6 Phase 2 - Scrapped Sad --- BMW 318is 1993 (Hyperventilates)
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If you didnt brake, the discs would get rusty as fook lol
306oc Chat Wrote:15:30: Toms306 - :Genuinely thought it was gonna explode when I was playing with Sam
22:57: SRowell - :wtf why didnt you try harder to make me come!
[Image: connorsig.jpg]
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Jonny b Wrote:Yeh but you drive a 1.4 your lucky to get up to a speed to have to brake ha ha

They aren't that slow! At least mine isn't now!
[Image: Foxy2.jpg]
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Ha ha yes they are!!!!

Just pulling your plonker
[Image: SDC10442-1.jpg]
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