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basically i know theres afew things my missus does all the time that just does my head in, so thought id post this and make sure its not just me.
like today for instance ive been working stupidly early mornings lately and said im going sleep for an hour or two when i got in at 11. so i wake up at 5 (oops) and its my fault shes not done anything all day because i was asleep..........
so yea pretty dam annoying!!
anyone got anything?
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My missus has a habit of asking me something, such as do i want to go out on wednesday, i ask for more details and because she doesnt have any she starts making out that im being unsociable for not saying yes straight away...
Or if i dont sound particularly excited about something she will stop talking to me about it...
Not sure what the idea is behind it but it does my head in
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I hate when people blame you for them not having anything to do, there was a bird that i was getting with, nothing serious, but she would get pissed off at me when i made plans and she was stuck with nothing to do. I mean WTF? Shes old enough to find something to do, really pissed me off.
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(18-02-2013, 07:10 PM)PE02KHG Wrote: I hate when people blame you for them not having anything to do, there was a bird that i was getting with, nothing serious, but she would get pissed off at me when i made plans and she was stuck with nothing to do. I mean WTF? Shes old enough to find something to do, really pissed me off.
well my missus knows if im going sleep i wont have a set time im gonna wake up its a case of when i feel fresh i get out of bed. but no because i wanted to sleep she didnt go out with her mates and somehow while im alseep i still get the blame
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Sounds like a bitch, get rid before you are chained down for life and left wondering what went wrong at 30 years old still with a woman you hate.
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hahahahaha!!!  dont get me wrong its not like i hate her just things like that i dont get. surely EVERY guy has afew girlfriend/wife problems/annoying features?
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like them cheating on you?
thats got on my nerves
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Mine just wants me to look like joey essex. Its not happening.
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When I've worked on cars for 70 hours in the past week, and she has a bitch fit cause i didn't replace her wheel bearing on a sunday morning!
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(18-02-2013, 07:17 PM)the milkman Wrote: hahahahaha!!! dont get me wrong its not like i hate her just things like that i dont get. surely EVERY guy has afew girlfriend/wife problems/annoying features?
Try talking to your bird instead of posting here.
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there is no talking to any woman you should know this by now! unless your taking them shopping or doing some shit they want then they dont wanna know
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(18-02-2013, 07:36 PM)the milkman Wrote: there is no talking to any woman you should know this by now! unless your taking them shopping or doing some shit they want then they dont wanna know
Try to find a subject which you both like and promise you won't talk about cars If she won't stop talking about shopping for example.
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Arrgh! mine is bored, so I ask what she wants to do, her response "you think of something"
What do you want to eat, "whatever you want"
She wont decide anything, yet if I suggest something she doesn't want to do, I get a few hours of her having a face like a smacked arse......
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(18-02-2013, 07:46 PM)cpikey316_ Wrote: Arrgh! mine is bored, so I ask what she wants to do, her response "you think of something"
What do you want to eat, "whatever you want"
She wont decide anything, yet if I suggest something she doesn't want to do, I get a few hours of her having a face like a smacked arse......
omg this!! im not david blane i cant read f*cking minds now tell me!!
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Don't even get me started....
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(18-02-2013, 07:49 PM)the milkman Wrote: (18-02-2013, 07:46 PM)cpikey316_ Wrote: Arrgh! mine is bored, so I ask what she wants to do, her response "you think of something"
What do you want to eat, "whatever you want"
She wont decide anything, yet if I suggest something she doesn't want to do, I get a few hours of her having a face like a smacked arse......
omg this!! im not david blane i cant read f*cking minds now tell me!!
^^^^ This exactly ^^^^
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At the end of the day; EVERY woman will have her down side and will annoy you, whether it's your fault or not.
Weigh up the good times and bad times, if the majority is negative then it's about time you take action; talk about it, sort it out.
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18-02-2013, 08:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-02-2013, 08:35 PM by the milkman.)
Bloody hell gingie would you like a tampon to go with your last post?
Car forum = manly blokes............ None of this soppy "talk about it" shit!! Were here to shout abuse and complain its what we do!
Ut yea I get what you mean gingie but we all need a good rant now and again
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my point is if they are loyal and faithful and love you as much as you love them...shut ya trap!
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apparently im controlling and she is demanding. I honestly have no idea why she didnt enjoy 2 hours in a scrap yard! she said she wanted to go out and thats what we did  And then she wanted to do something better so we went to a car meet which was shit  love you if you read this Grace haha
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(18-02-2013, 09:11 PM)SRowell Wrote: apparently im controlling and she is demanding. I honestly have no idea why she didnt enjoy 2 hours in a scrap yard! she said she wanted to go out and thats what we did And then she wanted to do something better so we went to a car meet which was shit love you if you read this Grace haha
My missus has learnt about this and now asks where we're going before we leave the house
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When they try nibbling on the end of your tickles too much but she always does it haha
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My only worry is whether my car will start or not in the morning
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(18-02-2013, 10:19 PM)c.gerrard Wrote: My only worry is whether my car will start or not in the morning 
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Hahahaha you lot are f*cking nuts!
I'm enjoying the single life atm because my ex was a Psycho, couldn't make up her mind as to whether she wanted me or not!!
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1. "I've just vaccumed and you've covered the carpet in fluff!" - Well pardon me for having f*cking feet!
2. "You never text me when your at work!" - Kinda busy, erm, working?
3. "You always waste money on old cars!" - Well I'll spend £300 a month on finance for a new one then?
4. "Why isn't the grass mowed?!?!" - WHY ISN'T MY F*CKING TEA COOKED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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(18-02-2013, 07:20 PM)Dan! Wrote: Mine just wants me to look like joey essex. Its not happening.
You do that and ill beat you with my broken con rod!
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She keeps breathing, that pisses me off quite a bit tbh!
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(18-02-2013, 07:46 PM)cpikey316_ Wrote: Arrgh! mine is bored, so I ask what she wants to do, her response "you think of something"
What do you want to eat, "whatever you want"
She wont decide anything, yet if I suggest something she doesn't want to do, I get a few hours of her having a face like a smacked arse......
THIS!!! A thousand times this!
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My ex was a High maintenance, pissy, attention seeking, dirty, cheating, f*cking slag bag! You can ask Danny and Emma about this, but around her house when I was there and her parents wanted her to do something as simple as unload the dishwasher or do the washing up she would point blank refuse and cause a massive argument, meaning i had to f*cking do it! She would make childish noises if she didn't get her way.
I lost it so bad once I gave her a c*nt punt.
She was horrendous for things like that!
Glad I'm outta there!